
It is BBQ sauce though. And it is good... on chicken nuggets. I’d say chocolate sauce would not be nearly so appetizing.

lol wut? Stubb’s sauce creator is a black man.

It is adorable that he thinks the people have impact on laws. It is the donor class and lobbyists that make the laws now.

True statement there.

I like the cut of your jib!

And thanks to stupid Legendary, who made an absolutely mediocre Godzilla movie, we won’t see a sequel to Shin Gojira for another 2-ish years (2020). Dammit.

Eh. I appreciate them all. Shin Gojira is terrifying in a way that Godzilla hasn’t been in a loooooooooong time. I think that was needed.

The Legendary movie was so bad. The Godzilla so bland. Not worth a pilgrimage.

Centrists absolutely do exist. You may not like them or agree with them, but they do exist.

That isn’t quite how it works.

Yeahhhhhh. Cherno gets KO’d way too fast. Such a bummer.

It is definitely because it doesn’t fit Gawker’s narrative though. They are the wackos you mention.

Yep. Absolutely the norm.

Centrists aren’t some unified bloc. They don’t have a voice loud enough to compete with something like No Labels, which spends money and has a unified (untrue) message.

Well that is a stupid fucking take. Centrists are corporatists? Give me a break. Again, it is that sort of purity test bullshit that keeps independents and center-left folks out of the Democratic party. Those are the group you want to energize, because they are numerous and likely a better representation of the whole

The dude isn’t a Centrist. He is a fucking Republican. Rallying against centrists, who can lean left and often represent a large chunk of the voting base who don’t care about your bullshit purity tests, won’t get you anywhere. This guy isn’t the same - fuck him. But the folks who are actual centrists are not at all

As a major fan of the original, this makes me extremely sad to hear. I will see it, but my bar has now been lowered. I lament the boring designs of the Jaegers. When the first one came out, Cherno Alpha got me hot and bothered. Now? I don’t even know their names. Tragic.

The first one had a bot with a giant nuclear cooling tower for a head,