David Wijerathna

yeah exactly, I roll my eyes whenever I see being too bleak is seen as a bad thing, as long its executed well, I can keep watching. Maybe I'm just hardened, I guess.

very nice recap, loved the indepth symbolic analysis, appreciate the time and effort you went into explaining it for all of us. thanks

Fair enough, I do agree that we could use more hopeful scenes where character's try to change for the better but if they don't and dig themselves in a deeper hole, I'll be content as long if it isn't contrived. Having said that, reading the press notes for the upcoming episodes, there could be a chance of some sort of

In my opinion, its not a necessity to counter the darkness with some sort of hope or lightness but I usually compare this show in terms of darkness to that of movies like prisoners and No country for old men. Those films are easier to watch, even though they are just as dark and devoid of levity, since they only run