Athletes are the only ones who should asstag. Asstagging among AV Club commenters will only create fleshy, rippling shockwaves.
Athletes are the only ones who should asstag. Asstagging among AV Club commenters will only create fleshy, rippling shockwaves.
Why is he so okay with his show being cancelled? Is he campaigning for a "Captain Crusher" Star Trek series?
When he takes off his toupee and straps into his girdle, he's Batman.
I'd put Code of Honor or Sub Rosa before Genesis any day of the week, but good list.
If you see an error, I might suggest recommending a correction…politely.
This is a guide for beginners, not experts. "Beam me up Scotty" wasn't spoken on the show, but is part of pop culture, making it easier for beginners to figure out who's who.
I like Zachary Quinto because he has Leonary Nimoy's build, which is why I hated how much he bulked up in STID. He looked like Spock on steroids.
I think ST:V has charm. With the bombastic score, campiness, plot about a powerful entity, and cheesy effects, it felt like a feature film sendup of the original series.
(edited slightly)
I think the clown one was too extreme for a show that inherited TNG's "family-friendly space adventure" role. Actually Voyager did that a few times in its earlier years (see: Tom Paris pulling his own tongue out of his mouth in Threshold).
So that's where SyFy got the idea!
The Killing Game is great, but my memory of it is undermined by the lack of follow up. Voyager had the crap beaten out of it there: attacked and captured offscreen by the Hirogen, demolishing massive parts of the ship to expand the holodecks, literally blowing up sickbay, and oh yeah, freaking World War II being…
Apart from the scripts and uniforms, I think the "decades apart" change between seasons two and three might be the quality of the audio. Seasons 1-2 sound closer to the original series, while 3 sounds more contemporary.
Out of context, that scene in Civil Defense where Dukat is speechifying in Ops while phaser blasts shoot around him makes him look insane. I love it.
This has the grounds for what would've been a great character piece on Deep Space Nine.
Tony Todd is in a fan film, Prelude to Axanar. I'm not partial to fan films, but man, this one is something special.
Robinson too? I thought that was Aron Eisenberg who eclipsed Cirroc Lofton in the final season.
The Enterprise ramming the Scimitar is impressive. The subsequent scene—where the Skinny Bane pops the Scimitar in reverse and backs out of the Enterprise, like they were two cars in a head-on collision rather than two ships floating in space—is not.
Padding bras definitely wasn't the most pioneering thing TNG did, but the padding wasn't restricted to the female characters. I read somewhere that they also padded the chests of the male characters as to make them look like they all had pecs.
A fact he reminded us of when he did that Audi commercial with Zachary Quinto.
Every time Captain Picard wants a new ship, its, "Deanna, take the helm."