
One of my dark secret tricks:
You can exploit anchoring effects on Craigslist by posting a fake listing identical to one you want to sell for 20% more than yours, making yours look like a comparative bargain, and do the same for something you want to buy, posting a fake ad undercutting the apparent market price so real

nice touch of razor burn there

I don’t know if Gillette razors cut into hair better than other razors, but nothing cuts into a person better than the truth.

Instead of writing either, why not just ask the question?

Counterpoint: You can buy glass by the case for <$2 and keep them forever,* thus not generating a whole bunch of trash. 

Counterpoint: You can buy glass by the case for <$2 and keep them forever,* thus not generating a whole bunch of

p51d007 jokes are always the funniest jokes because the person making the joke doesn’t know he’s making a joke.

You sound like some jilted ex, except on behalf of a country.

There’s nothing new about moisture harvesting—obviously the idea was around back in the 1970s (a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away).

By strange coincidence, half a brain is one of the ingredients of the Whopper.


Or tell the natives stoats taste like whitebait.

Pssssst.....or recaps of The Expanse!

Just throwing my two cents in, if you guys are taking requests.

Sadly it’s mostly too late. The series is ending with the last episode either about to air or recently aired. One of the few shows with an awesome gay lead and so any people ignored the show to the point where it got canceled. It was a masterpiece.

You really should watch it. It`s at least as good, probably better. And they are not afraid to kill their darlings.

I think it’s a shame that you guys don’t even write up something for the Black Sails finale, and that instead everyone’s focused on this show which, from what it seems like to me, the fans don’t even think is that good these days.

1.- Or you could use GOOGLE KEEP...

does this college have a track record for this sort of fishy behavior?

What’s a university for again? Is it for teaching people how to run?
Asking for a friend.

Gotta admit, this all seems to really... miss the point of why the New Zealand River was given Personhood status (and likely the river in India, but I’m not familiar with that case.)

Why are you wasting paragraphs on explaining non-human personhood to animals when you seem to say that it is different from what the rivers should have. It seems out of place to the rest of the article.