West Coast Secessionist

When front bench seats were a thing, they didn’t even bother with baby car seats. Baby rode on mommy’s lap. Heck, if the car even had lap belts you stuffed them down the seats because they were “in the way”. Having a large family meant you weren’t to concerned about losing a few brats here or there.

No worries, I read your comment as sincere. I was just enthusing a bit since you seemed like you appreciate the Roadmaster. I also feel like it’s a fairly Jalop car (no manual, but it’s a good car for an automatic, and it’s a good transmission). I live in MN, and still see other Roadies from time to time, but they are

I had a ‘93 Taurus LS. I loved it because it was like driving a couch and the whole area between the seats was open.

Except now with industrial-sized carseats and it being illegal to put kids in the front, it is impossible for me to carpool or bring another kid home to play after school, or even to fit an adult in the back.

We had those back in the ‘50s.

Love the fact that someone here drives a ‘94 Roadmaster

I bet it must have been great to be a 1990s policeman in a car chase. They looks like the driver’s seat out of an old school bus

She replaced me and kept the car until someone hit it and totaled it.

They suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. It’s like they just chopped the center out of the bench and called it a day. That or they bought all the office chairs at Office Depot and stuck them in there.

Happened to me on the flight back to LAX from Sydney. A whole row, empty but for me. Joke’s on me; sprung the extra 400 for Premium economy on Qantasa and the arm rests don’t go up.

Still have a shot. I did this a couple of weeks ago.

In most places it isn’t. Around here the suggestion is something like 90 lbs or 12 years old. You also aren’t allowed to smoke in a car with anyone under the age of 16 and they are both enforceable laws. They also say that children under that size should be in some sort of “booster” seat so the seatbelt supports them

Came here for this, was not disappointed.

Vans are better than both.

They’re not dead in the weird and wonderful land of Japan!

Now playing

Bucket seats suck, so why not start your morning off with some music? You supply the ice cream and I’ll supply the Cake;

You impregnated six girls in your graduating class? Holy shit!

There were only 6 girls in your graduating class?

If only this customer preference influence would work to get rid of the middle seats on airplanes.

Placing silverware with handle part down will help remove food-stuff on the other end. The only exception (and an important one at that) is sharp knives. Place them in sharp-end DOWN to avoid a bonus trip to the emergency room.