West Coast Secessionist

Also read about the problems in CA which include plenty of businesses - who are even listed on some of the various ‘yelp for weed’ apps - being not properly licensed and not paying the same taxes. That blows.

Seriously. I am interested in seeing the results of real research and trials, which are all completely illegal now due to Schedule 1 status. Now all we have are dozens of potheads and “alternative medicine gurus” chasing after anyone who will listen ranting about how CBD cures headaches, flu, insomnia, fatigue, ear

It’s a tough decision for the conservatives though, because while it does cost a fuckton to police and incarcerate millions of black people, the alternative is NOT imprisoning them. While that would be a big win for rich conservatives, it’d cause a revolt among the racist, ignorant whites who provide most of the

What’s the big problem? We still have freedom of movement. If your state is too backwards to allow it and you fail to get the law changed, move to a better state. The other states will figure it out eventually. Or not and they can watch their GDP and their House delegation and electoral votes dwindle away. Fine by me.

Counterpoint: SUGAR IS DELICIOUS and peanut butter is supposed to taste good.

I’ve lived in big cities and in suburbs, and grew up in a rural area, and just want to throw a couple little points in here:

they’ll look at us the way we look at the ancient Greeks.

It’s not really practical to try to find a way to “keep Russia out of” the open Internet. Even if Russia were fully physically isolated from the Internet by all its neighbors, then worst case, they can simply send people (basically ‘spies’) to another country with a suitcase containing a proxy server which they can

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but GINA and the ACA are certainly not carved in stone. The protections of both will probably go away or be eroded eventually and all that very profitable data will still be there, waiting. People will probably just get mysteriously dropped from their coverage or declined for new coverage.

So now it reads like a macabre recipe.

Isn’t it wild to wonder what Homo Sapiens could accomplish if given 100,000 (more) years? It’s certainly possible although it’s beginning to look like we may need to develop some new systems of government at the very least if that’s to happen. It feels like a few more rounds of the bullshit we’ve got going on now and

Once a place is suitable, people keep coming back[™]”

Amazing that humans are so crappy that we have managed to turn even this completely worthless Saharan wasteland into a battleground for us to kill each other over. Fertile or strategically important places like say, Iraq or New York I get, but I’ve got to admit killing people over Western g*ddamn Sahara, I’m truly ‘imp

haha. Touché and a fair point. Most people won’t even read anything (witness our current President). So what does consent to terms even mean, given that reality?

Are you saying the back shouldn’t be hosed down? Will it damage the car?? That’s the one piece of info almost everyone ‘knows’ about this model so I was shocked at the implication it might be bad advice.

Color deficiency disease is very real in all makes and it sometimes goes just the opposite direction, forcing you to not get an upper trim. My last car shopping trip I was determined to get a color I actually liked (all cars owned by anyone in my household were black, white, or silver, all because that’s what was

All terms and conditions documents over 500 words should just be rendered null and void. If you’re not trying to screw or trick people, you can express clearly what the deal is without a novel-length TOS in legalese. You know you don’t read these things, they know you don’t read them, you know they know you don’t, the

Whether a ball touches the ground ever so slightly or is 1mm off the ground, etc is not really due to a player’s exceptional talent or lack thereof, but rather random noise along the edges. Sure, it’s true that they can decide a game, but a team who wins a big game or gets into the playoffs isn’t going to be doing so

>Looks to me as if you’re giving away a lot of private information when you forward your reservation to this address

You get what you pay for, dude. If being a teacher were known as a career which offered financial upside and was respected, competition for teaching jobs would take care of the whole “problem” you’re convinced is a big deal.