
Colds are nothing. There are chiropractors who claim they can cure everything from autism to diabetes.

Yeah, F chiropractors. I’m a general contractor and have built doctors offices, worked in hospitals, etc. Had weekly meetings with department heads at a top 10 teaching hospital for projects. The only people that stand out as total douchebags INSISTING you call them doctor all the time are chiropractors. And they’re

Long ago, I did go to a chiropractor. I mentioned to him that I thought a massage would help and he said, “If you had a broken leg, would you get a massage for that?” His staff also talked together about getting the “doctor” to look at them when they felt a cold coming on. Yes, they were convinced this guy could cure

“I accidentally clicked on a banner ad and now I’m a chiropractor?” — Rob Delaney

Definitely not real doctors. Not even at podiatrist level. Podiatrists can prescribe drugs and, if they choose to pursue training, perform surgical procedures. Chiropracters will “prescribe” you supplements and maybe deal you some weed, but they’re not ever going to be licensed to practice medicine.

Chiropractors are not exactly doctors? The link compares how much time they spend in school, but I think the important thing to understand is that doctors spend that time learning (mostly) evidence-based medicine while chiropractors learn quackery.

“I’m a doctor and I understand human anatomy,”

I’m seeing a chiropractor for back, shoulder and neck pain from having tig ole bitties and it’s not helping at all. I tried to tell her that I think breast reduction surgery might be the best option for me and she acted like I suggested eating a baby to help with my pain. She has me going to her once a week and doing

I don’t want to get too graphic here, but, perhaps if we glued his asshole shut, he would stop spewing stupid shit, and, he might possibly get a clue about what that kind of back log would feel like, the damage it would do to internal systems, and what will happen when the dam breaks.

Well, chiropractor — nuff said!