
true, but the only reason life after 100 sucks is because all your friends and most relatives will be dead by then. if everyone were to lie to 150 and people with 130 years on their shoulders being as fit as today's 60 year olds, life at 130 would be awesome i say. (except for the obvious overpopulation)

yes but we destroyed those "sacred" trees with gusto.

same here. 2,12 meters (pretty fucking tall) and still no cancer!

yes, because scientists do one thing at a time. you sir are a true idiot of a rare kind that is hard to come by since the internet was introduced to the masses. A true achievement of myself finding such a specimen as you, if i may say so. My fellow scientist researchers will be pumped to know that there still is a

exactly, when i have kids and they grown a gaming itch, they will not instantly get a ps5 or whatever is the shit at thattime, they will play my old gameboy, nes, Snes, N64, PSone, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, 360, PS3 all in chronological order. But i will still want to play PS5... so i will have to build a hidden man cave.

actually, i thought about this not needing cellphones a lot lately. Sure, for thousands of year nobody neeeded a cellphone. But that's just because they didn't have any. The more people do have some new gadget/tech, the more important it becomes for the individual you kept putting it off to get one. Think cars in the

actually the law that you can't carry gun-lookalikes through town is relatively new due to recent scool shootings in germany. It really sometimes sucks, buying a BB gun and technically breaking the law just carrying it to your car.

munich has nothing on Tuebingen my friend.

that's because sane policemen don't hit everybody they don't like. Here in Germany, the police practices omething called "deescalization" resulting in way fewer violent incidents than before and way way way fewer than in the usa.

german cops have style.

but i was informed there were no girls on the internet. impossible!

most likely 3d screen i think.

there already is a relatively large object in our system called tyche 258.

that would be so awesome.

everything about that game is severely underrated

this article just forces gaming music nerds to show me their most beloved soundtracks. I like it.

i liked the tron-esque music at brotherhood's end, but overall i really love the AC soundtrack.

this bra would have seriously changed many relationships of mine to the better

haha i once said the same thing to him.