
@evaniswise: the moment i buy it, as in: never. or, the moment another idiot buys it, as in: day one.

best ad campaign ever?

@tomsomething: use the mohs skala for that! /geologynerd

@nad2244: no one 'normal' (read: non nerdy internet user) i know here in germany even knows who david hasselhoff is. i advise every ignorant idiot sprouting this stereotype about germans to stfu.

like the look of the layout, but it's a bit slow, giving me beachballs all the time. Also, where's the heart-click function?

GTA IV and this is instabuy.

@King of Madness: as a kid i would've loved this, but now i'm creeped out as hell.

@Aklost: you seem to be an Apple employee. Apple's bureaus have mind scanners and you just committed a thoughtcrime. That hissing you're hearing is the nerve-gas they deployed in your cubicle. Yeah you've been poisoned, hence the coughing.

give me a 42" 3D HDTV With a touchpanel on the backside and then we'll talk.

i'd seriously be fine with "sweded" kind of movies with no to low budget. Of course avatar is nice to watch and of course it was expensive to make and took a lot more people to make than just cameron and a few actors. But wy do the actors and directors neccessarily get grotesquely huge amounts of money for a (mainly