D. Gizzi

Ooops, sorry about that, didn't mean to "nag" on the issue, I just didn't remember the name of the poster I responded to the first time!!!

No, Rachel healed her own leg with the nanotech, not Aaron's.

Episode 15 was the absolute low point in season 1, the "episode that must not be named." The last five episodes, however, were considerably better, especially the last two, and they nicely set up what is occurring in the present story line. I'd say skip to the last two episodes of season one, then continue watching

I loved the show last year, and I'm loving it this year as well. This season I'd say is different in its scope, and there are "moments" of awesome. Of course, I felt the show had some awesome moments last year as well.

Rachel was the one who had her leg healed with the nanotech in Season 1; Aaron reprogrammed the device and put it into her leg.