David E

The State Sheriff’s Dept are the People’s last line of defense. If gun sanctuaries are the 2nd amendment’s last line of defense, so, then, let the Sheriffs stand with the people against the Progressive’s ursuping of local law enforcement.

Charrlotte29++MLK is turning in his grave that the measure of a man is determined by how White, his name sounds, who he may be related to, where he is from, and not his content and/or his content is determined by all of the above.

Just to be clear, this article, seeing the direction, Joanna Rothkopt, got it started and where the discussions took off into on the subject of IUD’s, this really is about the Constitution. And, the insinuation of Sessions being a danger is in direct proportion to how successfully he fulfills his position of AG, of

People here don’t seem to have a clue on what is happening around them. It’s called being clueless. Everyone here is snuggled up with each other on the band wagon of ignorance. Ignorance is bliss did you say?

Ellie Shechet appearently has been desensitized to Americans who have lost their lives and their familes due terrorist slaughtering of innocent people on American soil. That is an outrage!!!!