It’s *really* nice to see good investigative journalism. Three cheers to Felton and the Jalopnik editors for publishing it despite the risks.
It’s *really* nice to see good investigative journalism. Three cheers to Felton and the Jalopnik editors for publishing it despite the risks.
at least 2 i’d say.
Its not valued higher because its a mitsubishi and they are horrible cars.
The best handling FWD car. Jackie Stewart could certainly tune a suspension.
All the commuters.
Ford Contour -SVT
I just laughed so hard that my neighbors looked up at the open window near where I’m sitting. Well done.
Comment of the whole damn Weekend
I want to love mazda too but the local dealers think sticker price is fair... pass
Less reliable? Is that even possible?
Wow. Comment. Section. Over.
Not a dig. Reality. Get with it.
70s? Hahahaha. There’s a 2007 Impreza out in the garage with less than 65K miles on it I’m afraid to drive out of town because head gasket. That and the fact that the seats are instruments of torture on a long drive.
I knew someone a couple of years ago that worked for GM and drove a Toyota.. their car got keyed several times as did other non-American brand cars in the lot. It’s actually pretty fucked up and stupid thinking (a la Trump) as most or all of those cars that were damaged were actually made in America by Americans.
Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight? It’d be impossible with the internet. There’s really no such thing as regional advertising like that anymore.…
Can you imagine a car company doing something like that today? Circumventing a bad review by just... going to geographical places where that review would most likely to hold the least amount of weight?
I got those figures from the GREET model and similar sources. Now in what way is a car consumer only responsible for the energy at the socket and not for the energy used to convey that energy to the socket?