I’m definitely over Silky and her crap. She’s coming off a extremely petty (the talking heads the editors threw in when Yvie was in the bottom did not help matters.)
I’m definitely over Silky and her crap. She’s coming off a extremely petty (the talking heads the editors threw in when Yvie was in the bottom did not help matters.)
Bran buys himself a motorized mobility scooter!
Hello! Tormund’s already dead!
I’d have given this episode a C at best. I think both Yvie and Silky should have been in the safe category. Yvie wasn’t that funny, but she had the look and voice down and a great runway (should have just gone with the Rick James wig from the start though) and Silky basically played herself. Her mini win was also…
I commented on last week’s post that my ex works with EDS patients and has treated a lot of former contortionists and current Cirque du Soleil performers. They know it won’t last forever and it will be harder in the long run but for the time being it’s how they make their living.
I’ve never been as annoyed by any reality contestant as I’m annoyed whenever Silky says anything. She’s so obnoxious, petty and delusional that I can’t even find one redeeming quality for which I could sympathize with her. And I really don’t find her funny, just loud. The fact that she’s obviously Ru’s favorite ruins…
The fact that Vanjie didn’t do Cardi B for Snatch Game has me scratching my head. Glad she and Yvie made up.
There was a segment a couple episodes back were she went in to detail about just how aware she is that she only has a couple of years before her condition wrecks her. She’s so good. I hope she takes it all,
Admittedly we’re in Toronto, but my bar literally tore the roof off for both Brooke’s runway and the lipsync. I also have to admit I was spoiled, both on who bombed Snatch Game and on the fact that it was a double shantay — again, I live in Brooke country, let’s just say there’s a gay grapevine and leave it at that —…
having Magda right there insulting Petra to their faces could only help win JR back- it let JR see just what level of crazy Petra had come from and how far she’d come already.
-Seeing Xo collapse was so upsetting! Glad it was “just” overexertion after her treatment and not worse cancer.
but there are extenuating factors here that don’t justify his aggressive and cruel response.
I completely disagree that Raf was being cruel and aggressive. Think of all he has sacrificed for Jane for years, I think it’s only self-preservation to ask her to leave and to take himself out of the situation. After everything he has given and all of the heartbreak he has been through (being rejected by his mom, his…
I was skeptical of bringing Michael back and reviving the love triangle in this manner, but I admit, if nothing else, I really have no idea where the writers are going to take this, and that’s an exciting feeling as we head toward the finale.
It’s really strange that Dorcas, Theo and Nick aren’t in the opening credits when Agitha is.
That was kind of a “holy shit!” episode. Things in the periphery:
Wow, Satan really loves monologuing. Nice of him to tell them the name of the only weapon that can kill him. I’m surprised everyone didn’t immediately run off searching for the Spear of Longinus, but I guess they have to save something for next season. It will be the MacGuffin that finally frees Nick I guess.
she came back from the dead then brought 2 additional people back to life, they made a huge deal out of how hard resurrections are supposed to be in part 1. also the whole floating thing where her eyes went white lol.