
They have historically filmed each final queen winning and then edited for broadcast later. Whether this is because they genuinely take into account the fan vote or just to ensure secrecy, I’m not sure.

They always film all of the possible outcomes even at any of the non-live reunion shows. That’s allegedly why Violet Chachki was super underwhelmed at her crowning because she said it was the last one they shot. So I’m sure they did each one and then did the voiceover later. 

I thought the cartwheel was an homage to Monique Heart.

if you had told me only one person voted Shangie I would’ve guessed Ben. It being Thorgy instead is the true gag

Rupaul didn't predict how the other queens would screw over Shangela. Even Ben De La Creme with his pious spiel about fair competition blah blah blah didn't vote for Shangela 

They need to give All Stars a long break.

This video is really interesing - clearly it was a decision made after the event to crown them both, and they were both filmed individually winning.

Yeah the double crowning was obviously after the fact.

They were never planning a double crowning. You’re on the mark. You never see two crowns/sceptres in the same shot, Ru’s voiceover was clearly recorded later, etc.

I thought the same - and the sound on the announcement of the double winners was never matched to footage of Ru speaking. They were never shown hugging joyously, and the blocking of the other hall of famers clearly revealed the two separate crownings. Definitely a decision made after - it’ll be interesting if the

Why can’t All Stars ever just... work? Roxxxy single handedly made it to the final because of Rolaskatox, Shangela and the audience getting robbed of battling it out, now two fucking (though wholly deserving) queens crowned.

With regards to the idea that there “were always going to be two”: in past finales, when there’s been a tight race, they’ve filmed double crownings and had them ready to go. Here, they clearly didn’t film a double crownings, and had to Frankenstein edit together the footage from two separate crowning clips. That being

I actually loved this episode. I saw the grade before I watched it, so was worried - but I enjoyed it more than last week’s at Raging Waters.

I also thought it was a nod to La La Land, based on the brightly coloured shirts the first three chorus members were wearing. But then again, they also sort of looked like a unisex version of the Wiggles.

Why would it be sarcastic? It’s not saying you should be on meds you don’t need, but a lot of people are on antidepressants, some short-term, to get through a particularly tough time, some for longer term mental health issues. And people shouldn’t feel ashamed or stigmatized or like there’s something wrong with them

D’Artagnan wasn’t one of the Three Musketeers, damn it!

I liked the agreement nod from Rebecca on the ‘bling’ line. It’s definitely a valid point.

This show is really firing on all cylinders for the end, isn’t it? Both music wise and actual plot wise. “I hate everything but you” is such a Greg thing that it helps sell Skyler-as-Greg, at least in my mind. Plus a great Springsteen style song.

And again, I love how realistic Rebecca’s mental health struggles are.

So the pull quote is “an extremely entertaining show that looks great and features interesting characters”? I get that the writer doesn’t like the mystery boxes, but I’m not sure how “extremely entertaining” merits a C+.