
I liked this one. Also liked there wasn’t a “it’s a wonderful life” type conceit. Seeing all the different versions of characters we know was fun. I know there’s a lot of Xan fans in the comments so maybe they just needed Xan in there doing something.

I’m usually not a fan of “what if” episodes but I really enjoyed this one. I loved seeing Kimmy, and the other 3 (Mikey don’t count), all be themselves but in completely different situations. I would give it an “A” too.

I enjoyed it, but that’s all subjective. My guess is it was just an idea they wanted to do before the show ended, and they probably had a lot of ideas for what to do with it so with no time limit to deal with they just decided to put them all in there.

I loved this episode too. Oddly enough, there are mispaced episodes in Season 2 that feel far longer (and are definitely less funny) than this one.

It did nothing to advance the actual story...” Can’t an episode just stand on its own anymore?

I cracked up the most at them taking turns putting the same blanket over each other. Such a great rendition of such a cheesy trope.

I’m in a FB group of super fans for this show. And there is a lot of discussion about whether it was beneficial to bring back Greg with a different actor. I’m torn about the decision. But I gotta say, I’m not really feeling Skylar Astin. So, while this is probably the best outcome for Nathaniel and Rebecca, I still

On the contrary, I found Valentina’s talking heads hilarious. She definitely commits to her character. I was surprised she went home this early but pleasantly so, based on her performance.

So, Manila’s menstrual pad gown was in bad taste but Trinity’s Buffalo Bill style old lady suit (complete with sagging breasts) was fine? 

This is such an interesting take, and I fucking love it.

Daryl is also in a better place (gettin bi + has baby), and so is Whijo (compare him now to the guy on the party bus). Greg too. Even Karen, who’s off hand-modelling. And for Paula, there’s also the improvement in her relationship with her husband and her kids.

During the shame spiral, when Rebecca said she’d made everyone’s life worse, I was reminded that she’s actually made everyone’s life better. There isn’t a single regular character on the show who isn’t in a better place since Rebecca moved to West Covina. Heather and Valencia have careers and partners they love. Paula

I commented that I didn’t think about Santino at all last week, so I thought I was over the actor change. But it turns out that’s because a lot of Greg’s interaction in the last episode was with Nathaniel, who original-Greg had never interacted with, so it was all new.

Killer delivery from Scott Michael Foster on “Water polo” and many other things, actually. Great episode for him, too.

Screw the Valentina haters, I read living for her this episode. Her runway was Rita Moreno on Sesame Street, and that lip synch was amazing. Naomi ruled the night, though.

Excuse me but WHAT?

Agreed. That was perfect, especially Jason delivering the line with a resigned shrug. And did you notice how the judge in the feminist porn clip asked for the three men’s consent before ordering them to her chambers?

Yep, the greatest twist this show ever pulled is that Chidi was right - the almond milk is the reason he’s in the Bad Place.

So, Chidi was right worrying about using almond milk in his coffee all along, nice twist.

Joel and Alex are now primed to be partners in a management company; their skills mesh almost perfectly, and both adore, love and admire Madge.

“After watching so many scenes where Joel is horrified by Midge’s comedy, it’s a relief and pleasure to see Midge with a man who sees her for the star she is.”