Yeah it’s kind of weird that Satan himself is the Beast for this coven and yet there are separate independent covens for every town. Dude must be busy as... Hell.
Yeah it’s kind of weird that Satan himself is the Beast for this coven and yet there are separate independent covens for every town. Dude must be busy as... Hell.
because I love the whole “let’s just be evil” route the show is going down, I want Sabrina to leave Harvey and end up dating The Sexy High School Devil. let’s be real, Harvey’s kind of lame.
Her constant selfishness of the last few issues already made her bad. The signing of the book was the one selfless act she’s made all season.
I wish you could see how much your use of “fan-girl” as an insult makes you look like a total dipshit.
You have a stomach ache? Don’t worry, Adora has some of her special elixir to fix you right up.
More than anything, I found the ending incredibly sad. It’s heartbreaking for Camille, to find that there’s no escaping the horror of her family she’s inherited, that it continues to be passed down through generations like an heirloom. She’s finally earned some sense of peace and reconciliation with the past, is even…
The shot of that dollhouse floor will haunt me for a long time to come.
Are we certain it was a decision? The name of the episode was “Milk”, so when I saw Camille drinking a glass of it at the place Adora set for her...
I completely disagree for the most part, but I definitely see where you’re coming from. Hopefully you’re not ripped to shreds by people who consider it a personal affront when someone doesn’t like the things they like, because you lay out your problems here really well, even if I don't buy in, I totally understand…
I really hope there will be more Whitney in season 5. I had no idea you could be billed as a series regular and only appear in a single episode!
Also Also -the music! At the beginning of each scene Allison is listening to Jason Isbell. (who is a goddamned national treasure with his lyrics) The songs are from the same album. The first song is just a smoldering lust called “Cover me up” with this chorus: “So girl, leave your boots by the bed / We ain’t leaving…
remember episode 8 how they focused on Alison’s hand in the morgue? That’s because it had a band-aid on it.
She had mentioned it to her mom in episode six, but it didn’t seem like anything sinister, just that she wanted to set up a trust find for Joanie.
Two things. 1) If only the rest of the season had been this good. In retrospect, it feels like they were just spinning their wheels. 2) (And this should probably have come first) the contributions of director Sam Gold should not be undervalued. He’s one of our best stage directors (his work on “A Doll’s House, Part 2"…
My guess is that the new planet will look surprisingly like Vancouver
I liked the final, my only hope the show changes it up next season and gives us something other than perceptual war. Here’s hoping the new world leads to exploration and starting over, instead of more fighting. (Does the 100 even have the budget to pull off a whole new planet? )
I love that Harper & Monty’s kid (I am really going to miss them) considers Murphy his favorite
Clarke killing McCreary and telling him he would never know his daughter (similar to the last scene of Pan’s Labyrinth) was a very satisfying scene
I agree. This is a lot like Big Little Lies for me... It started out as a murder mystery, but half way in, I find the characters so fascinating that I really don’t care who got killed or did the killing.
Honestly this sort of upset attitude people have about how slowly the story is unfolding is becoming a boring trope in and of itself. I haven’t read the book, so I don’t know if that’s so much the focus on it, but in this series it seems very much that the murder mystery is taking a secondary or even tertiary position…