
@pretty pretty pony: No, I really don't think so. I am perfectly normal (whatever that means) as far as I can tell. But then again, the insane usually don't know that they are....

@LTMP: Sorry about...

@parcaelum: I used to look at rotten.com for fun, it seriously doesn't bother me.

@Swimatm: I have seen all those images (and that page in particular) many times - not bothered in the least.


@DarthSnuggles: I don't think we are talking about a direct change in meaning, just popular usage (upon which the dictionary is based).

I am very happy for our northern friends!

@spannu: What in the fuck...

@LessthanZach: I guess it is my fault for assuming that anyone who would engage in debate on the subject would have an understanding of these very basic and straight forward terms.

@LessthanZach: In any case, I have lost the desire to continue posting in this thread.

@LessthanZach: I also don't understand why you are confused about the situation.

@LessthanZach: I suggest you re-read that fist link. Agnosticism is simply a statement on belief of the truth value of beliefs.

@LessthanZach: An agnostic... what? It is well established that you cannot just be an agnostic. You are either:

@DarthSnuggles: I reject you passing the burden of proof to me.

@KenK: Anything that depends on human judgement is a slippery slope - so I just look at it as:

@ArmoredCavalry: Is the more ridiculous claim that (as *all* legitimate scientists would say):