Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.
Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.
Is that a Witcher 3 DLC joke?!
and then socked the absolute bejeezus out of Toussaint’s next pitch for a strong 420-foot homer
LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said.
I’m feeling admiration for a sports talk host? What the shit is going on??
Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
What annoys me the most about this column - and the works of Stephens and David Brooks in particular - is their insistence on couching their bullshit purely as impartial advice for Democrats. It’s always “the party will lose elections if they don’t say/do this thing that I believe in” instead of “the party should say/…
Fired for being too Barstool.
It's pretty telling that every time they fuck up the higher ups claim no editorial responsibility and just blame the lowest level person. Shitbags, every one of them.
“If Mackenzie Were Alive Today, I’d Like To Think She’d Be A Stoolie” - by Dave Portnoy
I can’t imagine how tough that must be, and the strength it must take, but it looks like he's got it to spare. I’m glad that he has support from his colleagues. Good words at the end. Never let anybody define who you are.
I *hate* the dialogue and “what-if”s surrounding this Finals.
They blew him up in the press for not playing and I think that was it for Kawhi. And he’s a quiet dude so we didn’t hear a lot from his side. They fucked up.
Since we rarely get an opportunity to do it, let us rightfully slander Pop/The Spurs organization: They fumbled the Kawhi bag in a terribly embarrassing fashion. Its Knicksian how bad of a fuck up that was. Derozan is ok but the performance KL is putting up makes that trade look even worse in hindsight. Did Pop try…
At risk of starting a flame war... almost everything is political. Politics is, at its core, nothing more than the economics of power. Any time there’s an interaction between people where there’s any power imbalance, there’s a political aspect to it.
Maybe Jay Mariotti
Whoa! I haven’t seen this photo in a long time! It’s working on me like Proust’s madeleine!
Are you sure Brett Ratner didn’t produce the movie?
I’m torn. As Mike says, “That’s just the way the game is played,” which makes me want to not travel this weekend. On the other hand, Chris Berman would always remind us, “That’s... ... ...why they play... ...the game,” and now I want to travel again just to see what happens.
Monday Update: Old Man Literally Yells At Cloud