David Foster Wallace Sean P

This is what middle managers think smart people sound like.

I still can’t believe this asshole has an incredibly lucrative career because turned the phrase “practice makes perfect” into a 10,000-word book.

Yeah, and you also draft Aslan, because Narnians are basically Nigerians. Like, there are closets in Lagos that go to Narnia, and it’s got a lot of the same letters.

This isn’t a problem for real men because real men shit standing up. Sitting is for girls.

In my opinion it’s very weird to pose the NBA’s strongly anti-labor cap-and-max system as being something people with pro-labor politics should support.

As a Georgetown alum, I love pretty much everything about what Ewing is doing from recruiting, to coaching style, to general program and campus culture. 

Either you’re commenting on the wrong thread, or you’re grossly extrapolating a ton of information that isn’t existent

But seriously, that Cop shouldn’t have escaped charges like that. And the fact that The police are more and more likely to shoot first and ask questions later is a fucking troubling aspect. Because lethal force should always be the last straw with deescalation always the goal.

This kinda shit is why I rarely play online and hesitate to classify “video games” as one of my hobbies. Fuckin gamers, man

Can’t we please stop assuming that every time ALL OF THE WORK isn’t put into every single thing, that it’s immediately the pinnacle of laziness, or that we at least have to whine about how we’re just not getting all of the value that we wanted? I’m getting tired of it. Films re-use sets. Disney re-traced over old

So, have there been any charges filed to Viner, for soliciting a terrorist act resulting in death?

Viner had lost a reported $1.50 on a bet

Hopefully the losers who were doing this realized that actions have consequences. 

These guys seem incompetent. Blizzard also seems incompetent for actually allowing split ownership of the minor/major teams. Who at Blizzard thought that was a good idea?

Infantile tweeting aside, isn’t it kind of weird there cannot be two teams with the “Toronto” prefix, considering it’s the city that they are both presumably based out of? I don’t really understand the rule.

It’s almost like having a teammate who is pathologically competitive and combative can have both positive and negative outcomes depending on the situation.

Every rage-quitter has always known that the computer cheats.

The AI would even pause the game right before a final tetris piece would clog up the screen to prevent itself from ever losing.

It took me ten times reading my own post to finally get what you are talking about.

How much money does this usually cost you?