David Foster Wallace Sean P

Nathan constantly equivocates on behalf of shitheads like PewDiePie by using soft bullshit words like “gaffe” to describe his repeated racist and anti-Semitic behavior, so you should be thankful that the guy on this beat is apparently only capable of throwing some seriously half-assed jabs because you’d be a grease

Read the whole article dude

You deserve a promotion for writing this. 

Does this toady think that women have bags inside them?

I’m late to this, but did you ever play West of Loathing? IMO that’s a comedy game that absolutely nails it. Definitely going to check this out once I whittle down the backlog a little, thanks for putting it on the radar.

I don’t know if the Switch is powerful enough to run NMS. Takes forever to load shaders on my PC and it’s a lot more powerful than a Switch.

This is a cool and interesting story but why would Duke play these guys? Why would any D1 coach schedule these guys, even in an exhibition? “Hey let’s go up to Bumblefuck, Canada, to play this team filled with experienced players who practice defense-first fundamentals year-round. We should schedule it for preseason

I personally rank Brees over Rodgers historically but your hate hardon for Rodgers is weird. It’s not like Green Bay has been loaded with receiver and running back talent the last decade, I think it’s quite fair to argue that Rodgers made guys like Greg Jennings, James Jones, and Jordy Nelson much better receivers and

What do you expect from the Nobody Even Tried rankings?

Dude. The rich white dude who plays video games for a living is “under more pressure than many?” Because he continues to do the thing that made him rich and subsequently eats shit for it online sometimes because he’s an unrepentant asshole? Really???? They don’t make violins small enough for that, my dude.

I have dated 3 people I have worked with in the 12 or so years of my current career. None of them “worked out” in the sense that I’m still single. But two of them remain close friends; I even went to the wedding of one who subsequently got married (it was a little awkward but I’m glad I went, we both made the right

The hip way to behave in 2018 is to not condescend to people because they have a deeper and more nuanced understanding of a place to which they have a closer connection than you. Things won’t always be the way you want them to be no matter how much you insist otherwise. Plus, you’re boiling California down to like 2

Don’t you mean Byte™ (Coming 2019)?

Who needs a whistleblower when you have Wikipedia?

Yet, here you are...

I hope you post periodical updates about this, I’m curious to see how this all progresses but have no interest in actually playing the game.

Technically true, but all his work basically boils down to Duh: Wringing 50,000 Words from Fairly Obvious Social Truths for Fun and Profit

Notice served, trolls.

This is more like a G-League team in Oklahoma City refusing to change their name when the Thunder moved there from Seattle. And in that scenario, if the G-League team owner started tweeting about challenge matches and shit, he or she would ABSOLUTELY be dunked on mercilessly by sports fans.