
I feel sure that she has her big gun already well in hand

I believe that the proper pluralization is actually Michelles Yeoh

Heh.  Half of the writing pair that make up James S A Corey worked for George RR Martin as a personal assistant.

It’s particularly funny to see Martin’s quote on there because my biggest fear about the Expanse was that the writers would waffle on the final leg of the journey and flub the landing (or not deliver it at all).

“Oh hey who’s that quoted on the cover”

Even though I want all the Expanse I can get, mainly for the cast, six episodes is probably enough to resolve the crisis points Season 5 set up. Eight or ten episodes of chasing Marco Inaros could feel dragged out and padded. They’re setting up teases of books 7-9 and where the greater story is headed but it’s nearly

Honestly this show is like when it’s 3 AM and you can’t sleep and you load up a six-year-old Skyrim save and can’t remember what the hell you were supposed to be doing back then.

Mario needs some more bass in his voice.

Quick reminder from the other side of the pond: It’s just an American thing. Nobody else cares if he is even 1/10000th Italian or not. Absolutely NO Italians care about it.

That there at the end, that sure was a strange dog. 

Looks great !

I want him to be Cyclops, just so there can be a scene where Cyclops has to go to the bathroom suddenly, and then Captain Krakoa appears and says “Where is my good friend Cyclops? You know, the best X-Men leader of all time? I should look for him! I’ll be right back…”

You’ve got more faith than I do. The trailers don’t make me hopeful.

Now playing

This is the first trailer that provides more than generic fantasy tropes, which is good. After watching, I’m still not at all sure that the adaptation isn’t going to fall flat on its face, which is not good.

That popping sound is heads exploding over at Fox News. 


...these games started as a simulation of real-world societies throughout history...

“Yes. Yes it does.

Spoken like someone unfamiliar with the “playing tall” strategy or scientific/economic/diplomatic win conditions.