
Good. DACA was bad precedent. It told foreigners that they could come to The US (with children) and face no consequences. If we are unable to deport people because they were brought to this country, illegally, when they were children, then we have open borders. If we are unable to deport people because it would “break

Is this a joke? Bail for shoplifting is no where near $100,000. Also, if you truly had no idea your friend was shoplifting, then you most likely wouldn’t be arrested and if you were than you would most likely be released after some simple questioning at the police station. That’s even if the cops cared enough to

Meh, take their stuff. The home owner likely has some sort of insurance. It’s not like they can use it now, so they’re going to list all the possessions as a loss anyways. People gotta lighten up. Folks out here just trying to live.

There’s a lot of hate for what I considered was a fairly innocuous comment. I didn’t realize differences on illegal immigration policy justified wishing death on my (non existent) children/trailer, or fantasies about child molestation. I suppose that’s just the current political climate.

22 years old, multiple children (probably from different fathers) nad unemployed. Yes, we should all be cheering for people like this to come here illegally.