This was bound to happen. Wait until they find out he got government assistance and disability checks years ago. Even while they themselves collect government checks. 🙄
This was bound to happen. Wait until they find out he got government assistance and disability checks years ago. Even while they themselves collect government checks. 🙄
Oh, I bet they’ll blame the west for it’s sanctions on aviation parts...
This was a great achievement by the scientists, engineers, and technicians of India. Many congratulations to all of them!
“The man is clearly a dick,”
yeah, militant christian right is going to elect a hindu...oh, wait...can he insure there will never be an abortion in the usa again? we love hindus!!!
I left Louisiana when I was 17 (more than 40 years ago), and I don’t plan on ever going back. This person, and many more like her, are the reason (sorry, New Orleans!).
She left out something about Satan worshipping pedophiles...on Fentanyl.
I’m a bit concerned in the way she’s holding her hands in the photo. Seems a bit strained. Perhaps she needs to take a pill to relax. With fentanyl.
DeSantis is a such a dumbshit. He literally caters to the big donors yet can’t for the life of him differentiate himself enough to show the cliched man of the people slop they try to pull. Then he ltries to torpedo the one big ass donor he absolutely would need in his home state for the people but does it so badly he…
are you politically, ideologically, morally and ethically bankrupt af? don’t worry, just keep lying about stuff and make things up!
I’d argue it’s to highlight the absurdity of the situation - a shooting because of a flag that represents no harms.
repubs: the coastal elites are out of touch and ruining our way of life!
That’s exactly the thing they want. They live their lives in fear and want us to do the same.
Fascist street violence. Just like their Black Shirt, Brown Shirt and lynch mob predecessors. This is what Trump and his Republican Party have set loose.
“Listless vessel sounds like fancy pants Yale talk.
In my experience, angry people need to find things to be angry about otherwise they’d need to address the reasons why they’re angry in the first place and they’re scared of facing that. And that’s exhausting for them and everyone around them.
Enchiladas are our favorite for an easy recipe. We immediately debone and have a nice bag ready to go for the week.
I wish I was simple-minded enough to ignore genuine existential threats like climate change and the rise of authoritarianism and focus all my energy on something banal like how other people choose to live their lives.
I’d place a bet he’s going to play it this way:
as i get older...i find myself saying “who the fuck is that?” on more and more headlines. it’s equal parts depressing and liberating.