I hadn’t seen the name before and just thought “poor kid”
I hadn’t seen the name before and just thought “poor kid”
Isn’t it nice how you’re using the bodies of actual disabled people as a shorthand for stupid and bad? Sure tells me what you think about people with Down’s Syndrome, because let’s be honest, that’s what people like you mean when you say things like this. You mean that the bad, alcoholic racist looks like they have…
Unhinged really does accurately describe the mentality and behavior of the conservative collective ever since The Orange One descended that gilded escalator. Their conservative, hateful, and dangerous fervor seems meant to scorch the earth to bring about their dark, dank kingdom of lies. They are completely detached…
“The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.”
Wow. You don’t often hear Alvin, Texas in the news. That’s my birth hometown (thankfully I’m tucked away in Sweden these days lol). But this tracks. Jesus fucking Christ.
“She said that “the cause of the fire” remains unknown”
Although we know perfectly well.
Well, I know the plural of ‘anecdote’ isn’t ‘data’, but every guy I ever knew of that had ‘Coach’ as their moniker was a POS.
I mean in his twisted, puny mind (remember this is the same smooth brain that thought the three branches of the government were the President, the House, and the Senate) he is representing his constituents by trying to enforce their backwards ass views on abortion - what is wrong is that he’s fucking with national…
I’m with you. If being a Senator comes with “authority” and “rights” but he prefers to be called coach, then we should honor his evident wishes and make him coach again.
“I know that Coach does not want to undermine the readiness of our U.S. military,”
It’s totally safe for her, though, because she knows with absolute certainty that she’ll never, ever, ever have to deliver on it because there’s zero chance her offer will be accepted.
She’s chiming in because she hasn’t seen her name in the news lately.
In (sarcastic) defense of the coach item:
There’s a couple of things that are bothering me about this. Well, there’s more but, these two quotes in particular.
Yup. Suggesting they need to “find middle ground” and then giving zero suggestions on what that middle ground could POSSIBLY be is an extra kind of useless.
If this were a totally fictional story, and it was just a random character that was given a large prosthetic nose to broadly signal Jewishness, that’s “jewface” (which is problematic). In this case, an actor is using prosthetics to more closely resemble Bernstein, an actual person who had a prominent nose. AND…
It’s no goblin at Gringott’s bank, so I give them some grace.
Once you get accustomed to reading the opinions of “brilliant conservative legal scholars” like Alito, Thomas, John Eastman, and this guy, you notice that they’re all based on one thing: trolling the libs. Typically they don’t even really care about the situation, they just want to apply something a “liberal” judge…
Yeah, make the appellate court’s job super-easy by citing something applicable only to criminal sentences in this civil matter.
Just for good measure, images of this clown should be posted EVERYWHERE on the internet, with the suggestion that he’s still due a few good ass-beatings. Sometimes karma needs a little help...