If women are terminating their pregnancies because of a lack of support, then it's neither necessary nor helpful to ban abortion. Just give them the support they need, and they'll stop. Unless, of course, even you know you're full of shit.
If women are terminating their pregnancies because of a lack of support, then it's neither necessary nor helpful to ban abortion. Just give them the support they need, and they'll stop. Unless, of course, even you know you're full of shit.
Oh fun, he’s already laying the groundwork for Florida to eliminate no-fault divorce. Seriously though, fuck this ghoul.
Maybe she was tired of getting walked all over.
I wouldn’t overthink it. The Hates Police crowd is pretty much going to have that reaction regardless. It was funny because he was ragdolling like crazy to a point it doesn’t even make sense.
Unfortunately it is not always paid back in kindness. Such is the sad story of Martha McKay.
I immediately thought of that picture, and/or the one of Ivanka ogling Justin. That might rankle with Donald even more than Melania’s defection to Canada.
Jesus I hate to say it, but maybe they should have given this article to Kylie Cheung.
I do not think she is dumb to assert that the United States government came close to being overthrown on January 6. I concur with her assessment.
It can be both. It starts as an act - it’s the Stephen A. Smith approach of being loud and wrong so as to drive negative engagement - but if you play the role long enough eventually you start to believe it.
I was far more offended by Rapinoe’s scissor kick (or whatever it was) celebration after scoring the ninth or tenth US goal during their 13-0 hammering of Thailand last World Cup than the players doing a bit of dancing and smiling after getting through the group stage even though they didn’t play particularly well.
Carli Lloyd isn’t wrong though. US is only through because the post did better defense than the players.
As a lefty I demand $100 from every Republican who ever says “states rights” to me.
This is what happens when people who gerrymandered the shit out of a state keep thinking they represent the people. My state walks a fine line between moderate Republicans who seem to care about Ohioans and batshit insane writers who try to shoot down Chinese spy balloons with a rifle or ones that are so corrupt they…
exactly this
Knowing Ohio, if this August vote succeeds, the fall ballot will be carefully worded to attempt to confuse voters where voting ‘Yes” will actually be a vote to keep reproductive rights out of the constitution. Having lived there for several decades, I remember several ballot issues that had to be interpreted by news…
GOP passes abortion ban: It’s the will of the people!
I’ve seen signs and adds saying that Issue 1 needs to pass in order to protect gun rights, or stop trans rights, or protect religious freedom. Republicans know that trying to block abortion is unpopular so they’re throwing everything they can to try and deflect and draw attention away from the real reason they shoved…
Said it before and I’ll say it again, switching parties post-election should immediately trigger a special election. Joining and caucusing with a party whose values run counter to those you ran on is a slap in the face to the people who got you into office, and they ought to have a chance to select someone new if…
How involved do you think Pelosi and Schumer were in the details of a state house race?