And people will post about how unions served their purpose and are a waste of time and money now
And people will post about how unions served their purpose and are a waste of time and money now
There are several reasons that can apply even in “at will states”. As with most things, the law is murkier than you think it is.
Crime victims might not be the right label but I get what they were trying to say. They will feel the consequences of this for the rest of their lives. They have already lost a family member. While he is still alive it is clear that they are not truly supporting him if they have not visited even once. They have cut…
I honestly can’t tell if this is just a bad take or if you have a profound misunderstanding of what criticism is.
The highest rated men’s game of the tournament, Connecticut versus gonzaga, had 7.99 million viewers. NBA games are tricky because players rest, there are 82 of them so there is less demand, and fans generally just wait for the playoffs. You don’t need to compare decontextualized ratings data between college women and…
Tommy Tuber probably doesn’t want women in the military, for that matter.
I’d call him the stupidest man in the Senate, but there’s so much competition.
Are you suggesting Republicans don’t care about the troops any more than they care about children, and instead that they are just using both as props in a scheme to grab ever increasing levels of power?
“Offensive to community standards of decency” is important here — it’s an open declaration that the people pushing the law don’t intend to be held to any clear definition because selective enforcement is the point. So eyeliner worn by cis men (and trans women and AMAB non-binary people) would be illegal if the courts…
Just curious but are you from LA perhaps? REALLY hard to tell from these “articles” you’re belching out.
I get what you’re saying (and also agree about the argument for autonomy). However, I think it’s important to have doctors describe medical and scientific facts to the public, especially since a lot of inflammatory lies are spread from anti-abortion groups such as “abortion tears unborn babies limb from limb”. It’s…
It’ll be fun to see how they handle nativity plays at all boy/all girl religious schools! Will they have to rewrite the bible? Three wise-women? Joseph and Mary were a queer couple?
I guess Rudy Giuliani should stay away from Texas, then.
This batshittery can/will be applied to everything. This would just as easily used for any Shakespeare performance, movie filming, yes like those truly dreadful Tyler Perry films, every dumb ass frat function of dressing out of gender norms, really just anything.
It’s baffling to know that this fear formed bounty…
This fucking douche is my representative. He’s even more stupid and useless than you might imagine.
I like to think that after a round of drying out and rehab, David said “I named the kid WHAT??”
Everything I know about this woman has been learned against my will.
I hope the nannies who are indubitably raising these children give them a good, sensible nickname they can use as they grow up.
Oh come on, think of the fun new variations we can do on the Who's on First routine!
on an different family maybe social services would make a visit just to check what’s up