Damone's Five-Point Plan

Ah. I can see how that might be confusing to someone who isn’t British

Was she wrong?

Shade or no shade?

I suspect they weren’t sipping it and savoring the flavor.

Their mother reportedly received a call from the Saudi Arabian Embassy the day before their bodies were discovered, saying that her daughters had applied for political asylum and asking the family to leave the country. The sisters had also been reported missing last year in December according to CBS News, and when

Seriously. My older brother and I were only allowed educational toys and limited TV, snacks and sugar. Midlife Baby ate pizza and Diet Coke for breakfast and watched R rated movies in 3rd grade

“Over forty years ago I remember making a speech about the problems of plastic and other waste, but at that stage nobody was really interested and I was considered old-fashioned, out of touch and ‘anti-science’ for warning of such things,”...”“If we don’t engage with these issues, and many other related and critical

Then where would that leave Encyclopedia Brown?

I wouldn’t say “typically”. My siblings weren’t debaucherous by any means, but my mom learned all their tricks. I didn’t get away with anything and I was a pretty good kid. With the other kids out of the house, she had a lot more energy to focus on me.

Yes. My parents were too damn tired to deal by the time I was around and I got away with a lot. My siblings still complain about this. It’s great.

Dots are fucking delicious. I don’t get the hate here.

It’s my business as an inhabitant of earth because there is ZERO FUCKING REASON people should be having 5+ kids, much less 10, 11, 12, 13, as we’re facing imminent ARMAGEDDON LEVEL DISASTERS due to our rapid, rapid population increase. Our current societal structures aren’t going to be sustainable in the next 50-100

Chip Gaines: “I was told there would be meth no math.”

Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign

The bar these guys have to jump over to vote is pretty low...

Ppeople still want their info handed to them. I’m a librarian and so many people think we’re magic (I mean, we are, but I do get tired of people not even trying). If there’s a hiccup in their quest for whatever, they basically throw up their hands and go “whelp I’m done.” Then turn to us to fix it for them. Like

The amount of work logically isn’t that much: Fill out a form, mail it, go to a specific place on a specific day. But those kind of tasks can be hard for me to do if I’m not enthusiastic about it.

The Kardashians like their cars like they like their man: Over-the-top, too fast, and ready to trade-in after a year.

He likes the smell of her in the morning?

I think he looks better that way.