Damone's Five-Point Plan

As with Elon Musk, access to money/power/fame is a helluva drug. Although it seems Johnson isn’t as wealthy as I thought.

In 2012, two men hacked Sony and stole recordings by Jackson, Beyoncé, and other artists, in a theft worth $253 million.

Yeah, probably as true as Liverpool supporters being 100% at fault for Hillsborough.

I plan on putting in a lawn like this. My neighbors know I think they’re idiots for being lawn rangers, so I’ll welcome any action they take against me, though we live in an older neighborhood without a HOA.  It would give me ammo to bring up their many code violations.

Matthew 6:5, just below this thread.

But by doing it in private, he doesn’t get to make a spectacle of his righteousness and piety.

I was going to post the same thing. These people claim to follow the Bible, but they always forget this passage.

Went there this morning. The woman said they don’t have goguma buns :(. They had just opened and didn’t have much ready, so I grabbed an unmarked item that was like a donut, but a bit different.

I’ve reread that several times and did some googling, but I still haven’t figured it out.

Understood, thanks for clarifying.

Ok, but where in the article does she blame progressives? It seems to me she blames the Dem establishment.

Loving may get thrown in there as well. As another commenter notes, he doesn’t think the leopards will eat his face.

Of course they’ll ban contraception, just like they’ll do nothing to improve the lives of babies and their families.

Now that these states are poised to outlaw abortion fully, their next steps will be to expand access to contraceptives, work to improve maternal health, guarantee maternal leave, make daycare more affordable, and expand pre-K programs, right?

Then men would start raping women for the sex they’re “owed”, and the SC would rule that women are men’s property, so rape is not a crime.

I just now caught the synergy (for lack of a better word) between your comment and your screen name.

This will be Hall’s first divorce—she shares four children with Mick Jagger, who she was in a relationship with from 1997-1999.

I’m surprised they didn’t mention Kanye. They could have mentioned Kim Kardashian  if they had.

I love sweet potato, and there’s a tous les jours in my area. Looks like I’ll have to stop by.

Wow, another SNS that nobody seems to realize is SNS.