
Facts about Grand Junction (Junktown, colloquially)

What makes you think academic results aren’t measurable? I think you really missed the point here, which is probably why none of your coworkers want to talk to you

Also, this is clearly an opinion piece from start to finish. I think people get mad because they don’t understand that billy functions as the skip Bayless of Deadspin more than a journalist

That’s the point, Billy isn’t a journalist, he’s a hot take machine. You expected a dry piece on the signing, but that’s never what this was. Billy doesn’t give a shit about journalism in this sense, and that’s not an insult, it’s good marketing.

....gets paid to talk about something he spent his whole career demonstrating he knows nothing about, only wears ties that make his skin look even redder than it is...

Lol you know elways hypocritical and perpetually sunburned ass hated having him on the team. Colorado has a lot of old racists that will applaud this decision

Are shootouts really hard in hockey, or does this US men’s team just suck? I don’t know much about the sport but to have five 1-on-1s and no goals seems comically bad

Dude, they already fucking didn’t. That’s why the American who can’t throw a quad won, and the best people in the sport who can throw the biggest tricks had to play down to the competition. The winner is the person who adjusts best, and the mens field made the same concessions the women did.

I was watching the primetime and they said “if you want to see slope style live, that’s on CNBC” and watched it live. Don’t complain just because you didn’t look at the schedule and didn’t know you cared about the event until after it happened.

Just like the original, then? At least Paul anka sings instead of whining like a distressed goat

Is Billy English? I love watching some American EPL fans think you need to be a rampant anglophile to like soccer.

I think you just proved his point about utility. Sure, Alexa can remind you to do some random thing in half a decade, sweet! She can also maybe buy shit and play music, things that your phone could already do. How is that worth $80 and dealing with another device?

It’s still a holiday celebrating colonialism through murdering natives, so really the whole of Thanksgiving can go fuck itself with all of the garbage food that comes with it.

The women’s side is doing just fine, but apparently deadspin only cares about shitty teams? Is the Billy guy even from America?

This 280 characters thing is a goddamn nightmare

Now I really want Honduras to beat them friday

In the recent shooting here in Colorado, it took more than five hours for police to identify the shooter because they had to go through every person who drew their gun in that wal-mart. He had five extra hours to kill people, and that situation will happen again. If they had been able to identify him sooner, would it

It bears mentioning that the annual pass is still $80, and I’ve been told they plan on promoting that so that people who usually only go to one park a year will be encouraged to seek out smaller ones.

Actually, NPS wants to do this to get their numbers UP. I’ve had ranger friends tell me they’re planning to put a sign up mentioning that the annual pass is still $80 (not mentioned in this article) and that would encourage guests to visit smaller parks in their home states.