
Whoa. Similar experience except it was a handle of Taaka and it was half gone! To make my mother feel better I said "But I've had it a whole week!" SMH at my college self.

You are the best and you are classy folk. Nice liquors are for enjoying and I appreciate you managed to make that statement a compliment! Also,

Oh, so much sympathy. My family has been so low maintenance with their weddings. I was the MOH for my sister and she told me to find dresses that we liked—I think I even picked the pale yellow color. When my mother found a lavender dress that she liked yellow and lavender became the wedding colors.

Oglaf is great.

Hey, seeing as you're a disembodied penis and all, I wanted to ask you: are you lonely and wandering the streets at night?

The English language lacks a second person plural pronoun, and it creates confusion. "Can you come here?" Did you mean just me? Just the guy next to me? Both of us? How can I tell?

"I'd say that on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being the least evil and 10 being the most, it was a 5 or 6. So I guess it was midevil."

!!! i am new! i had lurked before but i only started commenting a few months ago but THANK YOU!!!!!

Yep, that works. I also hope the dog will help me socialize. A lot of people in the development I'm moving to were out walking their dogs all three times we went by. Good way to meet someone, if you're both walking dogs on the trail (seriously, there's a sweet walking trail, I am so stoked).

Had the same sort of problem in highschool. I was a straight A student, graduated second in my class, well behaved, all the teachers loved me, but there this one guidance counseler that hated me for some reason and would constantly call me down to her office to yell at me for my skirt being too short, despite the

Well, good luck. Maybe you'll wander back and let me know how it worked for you. Sure hope it does the trick. :)

I actually think it's the fresh ginger and lemon that really does the trick. I have one of those super fine file graters and just put the grated ginger right into the cup. I put about half a teaspoon of turmeric in there, just the powdered kind I get from Whole Foods or wherever that is in a spice jar. And then I

Every American should watch the first five minutes of the first episode of "The Newsroom" with Jeff Daniels. There are plenty of youtube videos of his opening monologue. Americans these days are a bit like Romans in 400 AD, living off the glory and accomplishments of past generations. A country that can send men to

The most insane thing that happened to us while travelling (at least, to my seven year old mind) was my family getting accidentally separated while travelling from Amsterdam to Delft. It was all of an hour long train ride, but in my traumatized, 7-year-old mind, WE WERE NEVER GOING TO SEE MY DAD, BABY SISTER AND

Do what you want with your pipes? Where do your pipes end and mine begin? You act like your plumbing stops at your property line and whatever you flush can only cause problems for you. But in reality, what you flush travels through the city sewers and when you flush things you shouldn't, that causes problems all over.

They need to have some awkward black girls like me on there helping white women with lessons like:

they don't know d—k s—t.

Team Cat Headquarters here,

That's interesting. I find that movie to have a completely different tone than FiddyShay (stolen from an above commenter). BDSM is Maggie's characters way to express her masochistic urges in a safe and personally pleasurable, empowering way. The final scene where she stares into the camera hammered that message home

Stoopid good lookink?