“The towheaded pilferer is named Emily, and she’s the daughter of Hayley Henson, whose husband Dave Henson competed in the first games.”
“The towheaded pilferer is named Emily, and she’s the daughter of Hayley Henson, whose husband Dave Henson competed in the first games.”
Get rid of the corporate tax, raise the marginal rate on income over $500,000.
I’ll be honest, that kind of stunk.... and I generally like Lorde.
If you get rid kid the corporate income tax and raise the marginal taste in personal income over $500,000 to 50% you will increase tax revenues considerably.
Cyborg breathing? I think we need a Postal Apocalypse ruling on this.
“...til doctors her follow-up to remove the baby and found a heartbeat after all.”
What’s amazing is that ACA isn’t perfect and the Repiblicans could clean up if they actually tried to fix it even with a modicum of intelligence.
Loved the piece, didn’t love the click-baity headline.
I mean, it is long, but is it “fall asleep at the wheel” long?
Spoilerphobia, spoilermania... whatever it is is stupid. Besides being dumb for a show that ended nine months, just the idea that spoilers ruin a show is the shallowest way to watch tv.
It’s a fucking net.
California also passed a law requiring Presidential candidates to rehearse their taxes to get on the ballot.
The Bubble
I’m not positive, but I thought they passed a rule making this illegal.
So if a tweet ends on an exclamation point it is written by Trump and if it doesn’t it was written by an adult, right?
I read as interesting thread on Twitter that explained how there was underlying Mormon-speak in the confrontation related to the role of women as subservient to men. It was interesting, i can’t really do it justice, though.
Hey girl.
His use of exclamation points all the time kills me... not like a good joke kills, but like cancer kills.