
You can’t do this and expect people to ignore it

Considering that he thinks he has a moral imperative to tell me what to do with my reproductive organs? What he does with his is on the table for discussion.

The absolute gall of Trump attacking other people for having mistresses. Does it not count if you’ve never tried to be discreet about it?

Real Housewives of the GOP

Please tell me what the fuck this is from? Also, autocorrect thought I was saying, “Please twerk me what this is from.”

I love that everyone’s gut reaction to the #cruzsexscandal isn’t about corruption, exploitation, power, morals, fidelity, etc... Instead it’s, “Fucking hell, who would schtoop Ted Cruz?!”

This is the second time Bolduan has had to deal with this kind of nonsense from a Trumpkin. I’m amazed she doesn’t just throttle them before the cameras go on.

A friend of mine just pointed out that there are women on that list (allegedly) voting for Trump and sleeping with Cruz. What goes on in a mind that decides that’s a good idea?

Hey, Anna, stop it. He loves women. Like his daughter that he wants to have sex with.

I’m waiting for when they start insulting their pets.

"Take my wives...no seriously, take my wives, please!"

I dunno, I don’t personally hate his wife, but going for some foreign-born, heavily accented model screams “MRA who can’t stand ‘independent’ American women” to me.

Well, we still have to get out and vote in the primaries. Since there’s only two of them voting for Bernie won’t give some undesirable third candidate an advantage, so there’s no reason not to get out and vote.

Junior seems to be taking a crack at it. He’s not quite got the hair right though.

the Trumps of the world

Is anyone else at “can you not?” stage about Obama’s Cuba trip just happening to be at the same time as the Brussels attack? If he had said “fuck this shit, i’m watching baseball” and left after the attack, fine that’s one thing. But he was already there, on state business trying to help re-establish ties with a

The Inbred People’s Court

*Cut to the plaintiff and defendant*

I just said to my husband “The best part about Kinja is that when someone is funnier than you are, everybody wins”

Unfortunately, when she read that a pilot will be shot first, she took a shotgun down to the airport with steely determination and got immediately arrested.