They invented the Jaws of Life to rescue freshly-minted quadriplegics from this era small car. Cute and retro and #80s, yeah, but no way I’d drive one of these in the distracted driver hellscape we live in today. I am old.
They invented the Jaws of Life to rescue freshly-minted quadriplegics from this era small car. Cute and retro and #80s, yeah, but no way I’d drive one of these in the distracted driver hellscape we live in today. I am old.
Fair enough, it’s an open secret that you can lease an S90 for less than an Accord.
Is that supposed to be a put-down? Because the Hertz location at Logan has Mercedes, Land Rovers, and Audis parked next to the Volvos.
How is going to get that for $25,000?
Yes I know that, I was trying to inform the misinformed dude named “Craig Sager’s Jacket”
Here’s the disclaimer from Ford’s current 0% offer:
There is no finance charge on a 0% loan. The car manufacturers loan the money, not a bank, and yes the money is free. As in, there is no interest charge on the loan. Hence, free. They make profit by not selling the car below a certain threshold. You don’t have to be a “smart guy” to figure this shit out.
What are you talking about? That sounds like B.S.
Why would you feel bad? With new car loans going at 0% to .9% for some brands it makes more sense to spread free money over 5 years than to drop $35,000+ in cash on a depreciating asset.
Ha ha you said “classifieds,” you are old.
Isn’t the Flex born of Ford’s ownership of Volvo? I remember reading somewhere that the Flex is a glorious Volvo wagon with a Ford badge.
Hauling a boat doesn’t leave you much choice, unless the boat is 20 feet long. I wrap soft fabric around the straps where it meets paint, personally.
The only objective differentiator is AWD. Toyota is the only brand that sells an AWD minivan.
What? In the USA I was taught to yield to the person on my left if we both arrive at the same time. Basically whoever is first if you move counter clockwise around the 4 way.
Driver’s Ed teacher told us not to turn the wheel while the car is stationary because it wears out the tires. This was in the 80s.
On a 4 lane divided highway, going 70, saw a Jetta swerve around a flat piece of cardboard and lock up their brakes, only to release the brakes at the perfect moment to catapult backwards onto the (luckily for them) grassy median.
I have a ‘95 T100 auto 4x4 with the 3.4L v6. I bought it in 2004. I do zero maintenance beyond an annual (yes, annual) oil and filter. I don’t even bother to wash it. It has 310K miles and refuses to die.
Too true, “software engineer” is an awful misnomer in a field with no professional certifications or standards. And I say this as a career developer.