Give mr Falwell a break; he can’t fuck his mother in an outhouse anymore.
He looks EXACTLY like a sad trombone sounds.
Jeb and Mitt have also refused to endorse, and out of the three men, Romney’s been the most vocal in his #NeverTrump position. It almost makes up for his sucking up to Trump in 2012.
Honestly, his comments impressed me the most because he was the only one brave enough to label it as assault. But I agree with what you’re saying. The republicans just have such a low bar that even him saying assault impressed me
I was convinced he would never show up to the first debate, but he did. I don’t think his ego will allow him to back down. It will be interesting to see if this is mentioned. I really hope it is. Especially, if he’s going to dig up Jennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinski.
He’s a Republican man running against a woman. He still has the evangelicals.
You know those rare days when you go to bed with a huge smile on your face because something amazing happened?
There is no way Trump has the religious vote, right? Like...he’s turned the entire Republican party into performance art for 2016 and I’m sure white men still support him, but I just can’t see people in the Bible Belt voting for someone who said “grab them by the pussy.”
Mitt, it’s not condoning assault, it’s bragging about committing assault. Rather important difference there.
Literally the first time I’ve ever agreed with the GOP.
+1 for ‘Pussygate’.
Pussygate? Pussyghazi? Pussywater?
I’m a Board officer of a small, 501c3 nonprofit with low overhead... and we’re absolute peanuts compared to these huge foundation charities, because we’re all-volunteer. We raise and donate between 100-150K/year, and we work our ASSES off for that money.
But, emails or something!?!?
I am from NC as well ergo I am quite familiar with people fucking chickens.
As an NC resident, I’m really glad to see this—NC was warned well in advance by both the NCAA and NBA (as well as a number of the states and businesses who have also withdrawn). The governor and legislature did nothing so I’m glad these weren’t just empty threats. Just a handful of bigots in the capitol can undo…