
As I white person, I think I also have valid opinions about when blacks need to get over slavery... or maybe I'll shut up and accept that sometimes my personal privileged experience means there are somethings I don't get to weigh in on.

The fact that what you took out of this is that you are mad that you can't have a voice about rape speaks volumes about you.

You're so right! We should stop letting all of these rape survivors consult on the matter, because they are clearly drowning out the opinions of men who have no first-hand knowledge or experience with it.

I'll make this really simple for you: Josh Lueke was not convicted of rape. Josh Lueke is a rapist. These two things are not incongruent or inconsistent.

Looks like you should spend less time as TheLaughingMan and more time as TheReadingMan.

Are you going to admit that you didn't read the whole comment or are you going to pretend that didn't happen?

...does it internally register to you that, in posting that, you've both posited yourself as an irredeemable piece of shit and you've managed to contribute nothing to the discourse?

That's how Jimmy Fallon got a career.

I thought you only had to have 15 pieces of flair? You do wanna express yourself don't you?

no way, your giving drake way too much credit there..

Know what else is corny? Having the name Aubrey and being an alumni of a bad Canadian tween show.

I miss the old days of rap feuds, unfortunately in those days, people actually ended up dead.

Jesus this comment section has become poisonous. On both sides. The piling on is insane.

I call Travelling!!!

Why I oughta cymbalize his head...

I'm going to politely ask that people don't use homophobic language while discussing Edson. Call him an idiot/moron/whatever, but please don't say Yahoo-level stuff.

Before there was an internet, psycho losers like this just stayed inside and eventually killed themselves. I miss those days.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this guy that a GOOD ass-whooping wouldn't fix.

By this you mean your own I assume?

To be fair, the evolutionary biologists I know don't know fuck all about basketball.