That's what I was wondering. I never saw a hit before the guy dropped. It looked like he was dancing around with a goofy grin, then dropped. It looked like one of those WWE phantom punches.
That's what I was wondering. I never saw a hit before the guy dropped. It looked like he was dancing around with a goofy grin, then dropped. It looked like one of those WWE phantom punches.
I see increasing ticket price 400% didn't bring in a better clientele.
Awesome grammar, bro.
Glenn Beck is a security guard now?
When did someone get hacked.
All I see is a mild burn from ballplayer on an irrelevant team to some nobody on social media.
Eh, I'm sure there were Philly fans behaving worse. It's not a "lattitude" as much as the fact that anytime it seems like someone is the worlds biggest asshole, somewhere nearby there is a Philly fan that is a much bigger asshole. Every place has some people that occasionally are jerks, Philly has an entire city.
I dunno. This sounded like someone who wanted his son to watch a game with a good view and forgot how terrible Philadelphians are.
Even with the bad reputation, I don't think anything really prepares you for actuallly interacting with the sub-human, scum of the earth, failed abortions that are Philly fans.
I like Harper, but there is no way he gets that. He has enough speed to catch up with ball most of the time, but he gets a bad jump on the ball on almost every hit.
Likewise, I was doing boring home repairs with the radio broadcast, barely in earshot and then I heard the announcers flipping out like they won the world series.
Ironically, the first game this year I didn't watch on tv, or in person.
Expos ≠ Nationals.
Team history ≠ Franchise history
Nationals history ≠ franchise history, scholar.
Likewise (if I hadn't given up on 49ers making the playoffs in August due to horrible defense).
Based on other challenges i've seen, I'm surprised this was a catch.
Exactly. If it doesn't fit, change fonts. You can't just squish it into any shape you want.
But personally the single descender breaking through the box bothers me too.
I love the MLB annual late summer collapses. It's always teams that had 1-2 good months and their fans become the most obnoxious people ever.
It may be riskier to be related to Adrian Peterson that to be a journalist in Iraq.
1. Regression to the mean. A lot of their players were performing much better than one could reasonably expect based on their career numbers. Unfortunately most of them fell back to reality at the same time.
2. Injuries.
3. It's how baseball works. It's a long season and teams start off strong and wear down or struggle…
Thanks. I was wondering.
I thought "Altuve.... you get a lot of hits, but you don't have to swing at everything"
Good AB; even if he didn't make contact, that swing will slow down the catcher.
Kirk Cousins vs teams that are not the Jaquars 2012-present:
8 TD/ 10 INT / 4 Fumbles