
Mostly accurate, but I assume by the Seahawks placement this low indicates that the chart is from 2010, or that you have never met a Seahawks fan.

Trigger warning

It's risky to be involved with shitty, mismanaged, teams; they need a sacrificial lamb every year as a shallow gesture, that they're committed to not sucking.

It's a shame. If he had waited one year, he would have probably been the frontrunner for the Nationals manager position and in a pennant race now.

That moment where the aggressive domestic abuse policy that you are a fan of involves a player on your favorite team.

Man that was a lot of poop.
I was hoping for something entertainingly creative, though pointless, but this was just a lot of poop.
Also, "freezes his piss into the shape of of dick". How does that work? Do you need an ice tray molded in the shape of a dong? Actually, nevermind; i'm better off not knowing.

Hi. Nate. Do you work with Michael?

I'm going to hit you in the dick.

Fuck Hasheem Thabeet. He made 1.2 Million last year, if you're uncomfortable pay for extra leg room.

Even the President is there

this is what happens when you play football in the Matrix.

Yep, a bunch of dudes showering together and Michael Sam is the gay one.
And you don't need those giant glasses to look smart, Lisa Turtle.

The metaphor doesn't work because in this case the Mafia is Dana White.

It's just bad timing. I loved the first movie, but it's been so long it feels like it's a Redbox rental to me. The movie is the likely the same thing people loved a decade ago, but they've moved on (and The Spirit, definitely damaged it's uniqueness).

Personally, disagree. I think one big fight with one villain would be terribly boring.
Avengers without the aliens would have sucked.
The underlings give a chance to fit in extra fighting and really highlight the heroes abilities before the big "boss level" battle sequence at the end.
It's action 101: it's why you have

I'm hoping the Black Widow appearance in Cap 2 and a large Hawkeye role in Cap 3 would lead to "Black Widow & Hawkeye: Secret Avengers".

^Look Marvel, I've even named the film for you; get to work and make this happen!

This is a great invention, but it really makes me sad for humanity that this product is needed.

I feel like all of the Sochi news/photos were toliet-related.

I didn't catch anything in the story that said the nephew lived there. The cousin did. And it's an apartment, so it's possible that none of the family had lived there long (people don't tend to stay in apartments for years).
Also, 70% of black kids can't swim, so I think it's less of a leap than being surprised.

I think she was the only person wearing a Nationals hat that didn't cross home plate yesterday.

Your name is apt.