
Look at this asshole jumping off the rail.
It's not a rebound, Kareem; that's not going to help.

I didn't really catch the early Steiners; I always heard good things, but when I saw Scott he wasn't quite blonde yet, but he had already roided up too much to move.

I think he would have been fine as a mid carder. But he had no mic skills or charisma, his personas always sucked, and he lost any actual wrestling

I almost felt like some of his "points" weren't too far off.
Then I remembered that Scott Steiner is a giant supernova of sucking, and one of the worst things to ever happen to wrestling.

Well their previous local hero is murderer Ray Lewis, so that says a lot.
The entire city is just one giant dumpster fire.

Yes. I didn't believe it, but I went to a bar in Baltimore, that was one of the most ridiculous white trash, dive place i've ever seen. (and I grew up in backwoods NC)

I keep wondering who listens to these assholes to keep them employed?
I love sports and live in DC, but i'd rather listen to that screeching sound made from worn out brake pads than listen to sports talk radio.

It's the equivalent of the conversations you would overhear at a bar.
Two nobodies (host & caller) with no

It's like Jay and Silent Bob were merged. Then given the brain of an imbred asshole.

Hey-Is that girl in a tube top!?

Meanwhile, Eli is still in "time-out" for not eating his vegetables.

"screw" is a slang term that in this case indicates "bettering yourself at someone else's expense".

It's really the best strategy when playing the Rockies. Just keep running and at some point someone will throw away the ball.
Also, why did the Rockies need 7 players involved in that rundown? It was like a playground game.

Better than I expected. I assumed the "winners" would have to pick up the tab.

What the fuck?

Un-bunch those panties, friend. It's just a joke, eh?
Here, no hard feelings...

Just a joke about how American sports leagues keep trying to spread in to Canada and their high (50%) rate of failure.
Seriously though, I think the Toronto Bills would do fine. NBA/MLB has shown that 2 teams in Canada doesn't work but 1 will ... as long as that team is in Toronto.

"Good luck with that."
-Grizzlies, Expos