
And we have today's winner of "stupidest person of the internet". Congrats

This. Times a thousand.

Crossing that line over and over again until the police arrests you. It's about as bad as ideas get.

Good. I wasn't the only one.

NFL players.... just stay the fuck out of South Carolina.
NBA players too....actually, black people in general stay out of SC.


I do love Gortat. I kind of feel like he's just trolling the world...or at least the Celtics

Astros seemed to treat the trade proposals like a wish list for Santa Claus.

I stand corrected.
Though the consensus around here seems to be "Just let him play, who cares about player rankings?"
Same with Strasburg; He's good, but he hasn't been our 'best' pitcher in years, if ever....and he's possibly our #3 guy this year, but if he sneezes it's on ESPN all day.

By "Bryce Harper fans" I assume you mean ESPN.
Nobody in DC seems to care or buy-in to that whole "Is he the best young player, or merely in the top 5?" stuff.

I don't know... the 4th at bat he grounded into a double play.
Maybe he should stay until he gets that 4 for 4 with all home runs.

I'd like to see this chart compared to other things...like everything. I gaurantee someone used Nazi insults against Lebron during the Finals, and someone on "So you think you can dance"

Gotta love soccer, where 1-0 is considered a blowout.

Reason #55 we miss Morse in DC.
Something about a team having fun hijinks, seems to actually help improve performance.

He sure seems like a mature adult.

Well fuck it, if you're against it, lets do away with it. Everyone should 100% agree on all entertainment.
Also, you seem really preoccupied with the "oil" aspect.

I bet you're a hoot at parties.


"Well we have a black/pacific Islander from California, who was a collegiate athlete and has 'movie star-good looks'........."
"Can we dress him up in some kind of tribal gear?"