
Good. I wasn't the only one.

NFL players.... just stay the fuck out of South Carolina.
NBA players too....actually, black people in general stay out of SC.


I do love Gortat. I kind of feel like he's just trolling the world...or at least the Celtics

Astros seemed to treat the trade proposals like a wish list for Santa Claus.

I stand corrected.
Though the consensus around here seems to be "Just let him play, who cares about player rankings?"
Same with Strasburg; He's good, but he hasn't been our 'best' pitcher in years, if ever....and he's possibly our #3 guy this year, but if he sneezes it's on ESPN all day.

By "Bryce Harper fans" I assume you mean ESPN.
Nobody in DC seems to care or buy-in to that whole "Is he the best young player, or merely in the top 5?" stuff.

I don't know... the 4th at bat he grounded into a double play.
Maybe he should stay until he gets that 4 for 4 with all home runs.

I'd like to see this chart compared to other things...like everything. I gaurantee someone used Nazi insults against Lebron during the Finals, and someone on "So you think you can dance"

Gotta love soccer, where 1-0 is considered a blowout.

Reason #55 we miss Morse in DC.
Something about a team having fun hijinks, seems to actually help improve performance.

He sure seems like a mature adult.

Well fuck it, if you're against it, lets do away with it. Everyone should 100% agree on all entertainment.
Also, you seem really preoccupied with the "oil" aspect.

I bet you're a hoot at parties.


"Well we have a black/pacific Islander from California, who was a collegiate athlete and has 'movie star-good looks'........."
"Can we dress him up in some kind of tribal gear?"

Exactly. Or having some of Mexico's most respected performers as landscapers that rode lawnmowers

I started to offer a defense, that wrestling's biggest star of the the last 20 years was black, but then I remembered that his career started by having to dress like this:

How dare you! My completely useless gesture makes me feel special. To not throw the ball back as a flaccid protest, is poor sportsmanship.
What the fuck do you expect me to do? Not delay the game, and instead give the ball to the kid on the row behind me?