
I don't want "Browns" on TV!
-Donald Sterling

Texas: finding the most dangerous way to do anything

The advantage Q'doba has though, is variety: nachos & quesadillas

I'm just relieved the baby wasn't named "Little-r Kim"
....."Tiny Kim"?

If that is what counts as a "normal" body in Indiana, I predict an influx of new male residents for the state.

We have the verdict in from the internet:

Lafayette is planning on writing a rebuttal....as soon as they can find a resident that can read and write, and one a' those typing machines.

I saw this live and just thought he lost his balance because he's a fat kid.
Instead he was just a fat kid who wasn't paying attention to the game, with bad reflexes, and an inability to understand a baseball glove as anything other than a fashion accessory.

And in other news: Magicians may not actually be sawing people in half.

I think it's a stop-gap, Kaep is getting paid pretty well (especially compared to us schlubs), but he's somewhat unproven after 1.5 years. 49ers are covered in case he regresses/collapses, and I'm sure that he is confident enough that he assumes he will get the full incentive money. He also had the advantage of making

But how much is guaranteed money?

I was wondering how this would play out, since the Niners front office are pretty smart with their spending. For perspective, Kap is making less guaranteed money than EJ Manual, Chad Henne, and Matt Cassell.

Regardless, QBs are expensive. And considering the type of money that was thrown at aging mediocre quarterbacks


They added a black Nick Fury.

None of this makes sense. I am all for anything that gets Marvel property back, but this seems silly because the limited crossover. Comic viewer are a fraction of the movie audiences, and the "sales bump" that comics get from the movies are between negligible and nonexistent.

And nobody is acknowledging that every

Goddammit, people are killing over memes. Society has jumped the shark.

It's like the child murderer version of the A-team villians
...or Stormtroopers.

Possibly. I run with the "under 50" crowd. But at least now i know plenty of people that can help my mom with her computer problems.

There are still Windows users?

I don't see him getting called up anytime soon.
The Astros are sitting pretty at 1B with Superstar Marc Krauss and his .173 batting average.