After eight years of Uncle Joe playing with his model trains all night, I’m sure the neighbors are used to noise.
After eight years of Uncle Joe playing with his model trains all night, I’m sure the neighbors are used to noise.
I liked Dr. Drew so much in the 90s, based mostly on listening to Loveline late at night driving to and from college. I have been more and more appalled at him ever since. Beyond promoting conspiracy theories, he’s been peddling the worst kind of junk pop medicine for years. He’s dangerous in much the same way as Dr.…
He’s such a dad, but he thinks he’s the fun uncle. Better than Pence, who thinks he’s the strong patriarch, but is really the judgmental spinster aunt.
How many times do you think Hillary is going to have to go into the garage at the White House and tell Bill and Tim that they need to stop playing their instruments so loud because the neighbors are complaining?
The woman grew up with him as a father figure.
It's nice that they're catering their info to this new economy. It also helps you in deciding if ride sharing should be a larger component of your income.
yeah but i just kicked my desk out of anger so
It isn’t irrational.
Fuck could Hilary Duff possibly get MORE boring?
10/10 would watch
If it’s at the Met Gala, I assume the plot is all eight women conspiring to make sure Amy Schumer has a terrible night.
It would. Depp is trying to donate her money- that which he owes her in their divorce settlement- directly to the charities himself, so he gets the tax break. The charities get the same amount of money either way,but one of them will get money back from the government on next year’s taxes. He was likely pissed off…
You’re not dumb! It was really sneaky. The donations were made in her name but he cut the checks himself (they never went into her bank account, he sent the money directly)and only the person who pays gets the break.
ah its when basically your posts aren’t seen automatically on the website so it’s like your comments are hidden.
I’m sorry to ask but I’m new here and see everyone talking about being “ungreyed”. What does that mean?
No. Seeing a photo of Kim Kardashian with a waist trainer does not make me want to buy one, and I am a Kim K. fan. So I don’t know who these people are but would like to know as well.
I don’t know but Rodan+Fields somehow manages to stay in business.