Okay Sorry

Yall gonna get this guy a C&D like you got everyone else.

He running around like he pac.

The takes are getting worse and worse. Between this and total disdain / skepticism about everything. Would love to hear about what you DO enjoy sometime.

Even a 5% reduction in woke would make Kotaku 50x better.

We’re calling 38" thin now? The woke angle is getting a bit much Kotaku, and I’m *literally* a Communist.

This is a deeply, deeply scathing critique. Bravo. I hope you write more of them

Flop confirmed.

Gibbs was already in the original soundtrack.

So here I am

You seem great at parties!

You mean $725 MILLION for Red Dead Redemption II...

fuck that guy

Mind, not everything is romantic about this. The Omastar he's transferred is actually the second Omastar. Remember, you can't transfer over Pokémon from the original titles—so there was an Omastar before this one. That, and, the Omastar has mothered a "couple hundred other Omastars. Sometimes with her own sons."