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    Lightning and Rivians are really the only EV truck/SUV’s that I’ve seen that appeal to me. Just that EV’s don’t really fit my lifestyle needs right now.

    I’d love one, but for that money I’d easily get a lightly used Mach1 or GT350 and pocket the difference.

    Si and Integra Aspec both have manual

    What was terrible about the 94 Mustang? It wasn’t as light as the foxbody but IMO looked much better and had a much nicer interior. I even feel the SN95 looks better than the new S650.

    Its definitely not enough to make up for the loss of like 30TQ more the last M235 had. 

    80/90's Wawa FTW, Modern Wawa is trash. Delco native living right next to Wawa HQ.

    Three. Still has to get the coupe out that he showed off like 2-4 years ago.

    When I drove a lot for work and logged miles my Altima 2.5l reliably got better MPG on 89 than 87 to the point it was cheaper for me to run 89 due to the Cost  per mile going down so much.

    Maybe they should worry more about their shit product more than about DEI.

    its been out since 2017 and its design refresh was 2024.(7yrs)
    Mustang was

    Looking at the mostly stock interior im guessing the IRS just doesn’t fit as well.

    Yeah I can only go off the pics posted. It would probably do better for the Service to add on WHY they specify 4WD only, just as noting “locking diffs” or the required/recommended heigh clearance. That would likely be more useful to most common people, as if they have no idea what those are, then they are more

    Honestly it looks like a Subaru Wilderness with X Mode would do that just fine. Have you SEEN some of the trails people take those over? Other than height clearance they are very capable unless you want to do some steep/very rocky climbing.

    You can make the same argument for turbo or Supercharged cars. A tune or tune/pulley can add a lot of power to those cars and cause nearly 0 long term issues (if the tunes quality)

    Autopian needs work too. Just in its crazy generic looking style it for months made me think it was another dime a dozen crap AI generated site that reposts stories. It took me literal months or having its links thrown at me by my Google news feed to realize it was a legit site and not something just trying to get ad

    I get sent to TheRoot story about singers for previous presidents.

    Or really has been since WW2.Our prosperity was mostly because everyone else was bombed out and had lack of labor, money and factories. So US was the only option, not the best.

    They technically could have used a Mark VIII auto now that I think about it but the gearing wasn’t really performance oriented. It was likely cheaper to just source 16v with the stock GT auto than modify another trans to fit/work better with the 32v for how few auto they were making anyway.

    Auto’s came with the 16v 4.6. The 32v was only in the manual version. Ford had no Auto for the 32V that wasn’t designed for a truck at the time, and the auto for the 16v wasn’t rated for the 32v’s output.

    Only surprise to me is the TLX its seems rather a solid vehicle. The BRZ if I recall isbecausee they are not producing many. The plant is making the Forester priority production.