Thats been the Ford key since at least 2018. Not sure about earlier. I know the key before it was also very similar in layout.
Thats been the Ford key since at least 2018. Not sure about earlier. I know the key before it was also very similar in layout.
Offer me a modern Escort sedan that’s a 200+HP 50mpg hybrid like the new Civic, or an Escort ZX2 coupe that’s a 240+HP turbo 4 with a 6spd and I'd gladly get a Ford again
Oh I’m aware, its just odd to think about them coming UP.
Tastykake isn’t as good as they used to be, but then again, nothing is.
The idea of Wawa creeping “north” sounds so alien to me living in next to Wawa HQ in PA.
That was my thought. Sounds like he just got a fluke.
I literally saw the issue instantly. Sadly I’ve seen worse on Shelby GT350's.
Because in teh 2000's you had the Elder Gen X that grew up with muscle in the 60's 70's and 80's, they likley had 2nd hand cars with a v8 in them from their parents as a first car.
Autos have been more efficient for a few years no, its more about what the driver finds fun and engaging.
Him: pointing out that we are addressing the core issue inefficiently and to prevent traffic deaths the priority should be elsewhere and states proven facts.
Nien. You seem to have issues with inference and just see what you want to. PLEASE feel free to quote where he says speeding is “a ok”. I’ll wait.... but i wont hold my breath.
Part of the reason people do not buy manual is because they are being dis-incentivized to.
He never said that, stop being asinine. He’s saying there are bigger issues we can address that are being ignored.
have you seen some assholes merge? It often either slam brakes and get rear ended or floor it past them to prevent a side swipe.
Limit on 476 in PA is 65 but its common for traffic to be flowing at 80 in many sections.
What does being anti-social have to do with it? I’m heavily anti-social. I still know how to not be a jack ass when driving.
In no particilar order:
I dont see it mentioned but if its NOT a plug-in hybrid I could be interested. I just dont have a place I park that I’m reliably near a place to charge so I’d literally only get to charge it like every couple of months or at best once a month.
A K series would be fun but I’d probably want to use something from a SRT-4 just to keep it in the family.
Honestly, I always loved this style of Daytona. It was one of the cars that as a kid got me into cars along with a 69 Mach1 and 90's Thunderbird.
True, but atleast the Thunderbird is no longer an existing vehicle and you can argue that Thunder has a conenction to Electric. Its much more logical than Mustang.