I’ll always say I find manuals more fun and engaging but I’d never call them better. Better depends on the person and the task.
I’ll always say I find manuals more fun and engaging but I’d never call them better. Better depends on the person and the task.
The Q60 RS is ~150lbs more than an 9spd Z
...so the MANUAL Z is as fast to 60 as a car heavier than it with an ancient 7spd slushbox? Real strong argument you made there for the Z.... Skidpad numbes dont mean numch. I can make a 2000 Escort pull 1g on a skidpad. Doesnt mean its as good at handling as a 2000 Cobra R. It’…
If found at MSRP sure, but the Supra has been about long enough you can get them at MSRP or low milage used one, every Nissan Z near me is marked up 3-8K making it NOT a great deal at all if you can even find one.
Lets be real, these are AWD Z’s that on average (somehow) dyno more to the wheel than the new Z and likely cost the buyer a LOT less than the new Z. They also likely have nicer interiors, and cheaper to insure as replacement parts are everywhere for them.
I've often wondered how the MPG would be of a fuel sipping Nissan 2.5L/CVT combo in a 2003 Sentra that weighs hundreds less. It would weight about 2400lbs and make more power than a SE-R Spec-V of the time. While being better on fuel.
For years the Nissan Maxima required 89.
I honestly cant speak about turbo cars but I remember years ago someone used a 1st Gen Taurus SHO on a dyno and tested Premium (forget if it was 91 or 93) and 85, and the car dyno’d the exact same numbers with no knock detected. it always made me wonder if those cars were able to do knock detection back in the late…
First, I really wonder why 91 isnt the only fuel. Wouldnt it be beneficial to just make all cars use 1 grade?
I was really hoping it was just gong to be “well I just didn’t want to sit next to a sick person and end up catching what they had” which I can kind of understand.
Perhaps on a Ranger Tremor? or the 2.7T version coming out?
I feel like a 4x4 Ranger with 2.7L, tune and slight drop is in my future to replace my Mustang GT.
I remember when the articles used to be “Hottest Sub Compact Under 16K” then “Under 20K” now its “Under 32K” and “anything that still exists under 25k”.
I had to do Compound interest in like early highschool, maybe late middle school.
Guessing my sarcasm went over your head.
The people she called could also call 911 while others can go outside and actively try to get her out of the car instead of just waiting around for EMS.
Looks like a bigger BMW i3 to me.
911 is just a person on the other end of the phone, ehat on earth could 911 do?
She didn’t call them to say goodbye that part is worded wrong in the article. She said goodbye, then called them when she was sinking asking for help.
It almost sounds like she was just a terrible driver if she had done this same thing before. Though we have no record of how she drove other cars. If the touch screen had malfunctioned in some way I’d blame tesla, but if the issue is HER hitting the wrong buttons then I do NOT blame Tesla for that.
I think Infiniti’s biggest issue was their renaming. the Q QX stuff just makes no sense.
Couldn’t remember if the fox started in 74 or 79