Ladies and gentlemen, the “moderate” Republican alternative to Cruz/Rubio et al.
Ladies and gentlemen, the “moderate” Republican alternative to Cruz/Rubio et al.
The really insidious thing about Casey is that people say it upheld and solidified Roe (kind of true, not 100% accurate). But what it really did was pave the way for the death by a thousand cuts of abortion rights we’ve seen the past 20 odd years.
It’s not Kesha who’s doing it. It’s EVERYONE ELSE who has seen what a fucking rape-apologizing money-hungry mega-douche Sony is.
I saw one tweet from Kesha, thanking fans for their support, and everyone else was tweeting long before she did that, because the verdict was live tweeted and people were pissed off. Whether she’d said anything or not, people would have said the same thing.
Yeah. It is such an infuriatingly sloppy opinion. And what was it, the 24 hour waiting period was not an undue burden because...reasons? No real analysis, it’s just not an undue burden because of reasons.
In Casey they did not define it, but they did find that a spousal consent/permission provision was an undue burden because it could be a complete bar for an adult. So... the standard at least means that a state can’t do that. Win? (no, no it’s not)
Yeah, right? This is the whole point of Oliver’s show. To try to shed some light (in a comedic, yet still serious way) on major issues. Oliver doesn’t claimed that he JUST NOTICED THIS CRAZY THING OMG YOU GUISE!!!!!!11 He’s picking topical, sometimes undernoticed, issues and trying to do some broadly accessible…
Did you watch the entire clip? He does more in 16 minutes to explain and provide context for the upcoming Supreme Court case than any article I’ve read about the subject — and I’m IN the abortion field and have a comprehensive understanding. He’s aiming for a broad audience who might be liberal-leaning, but not…
I get the impression that the snark would have been there regardless of when it aired.
Sorry, but is the snark aimed at him for “noticing” this really necessary? I haven’t been able to watch the video yet, but judging from his past segments I really doubt he’s guilty of any mansplaining or something similar. Why not simply praise the show for doing a (presumably) well-informed piece on this issue and…
They’re pro-birth, not pro-life, that’s why.
Pragmatic POV just points to countries where abortion is illegal yet the rate of abortions is higher than the US (off the top of my head, Brazil). Alas, logic and facts have no place in the abortion debate in the US.
I don't know any other way to say this but why did they rescue this fetus? It sounds like if it lives it will be horrifically damaged and who will care for it? Terribly sad.
Your understanding is wrong. Viability is a weird term that, thanks to the miracles of technology, is edging increasingly towards conception. You can resuscitate or keep something alive through artificial means way before it would naturally survive outside the womb.
I dont understand what you mean. When she attempted the botched abortion it was still inside of her.
Moral issues aside, even from a pragmatic POV, denying abortions leads to suffering for both women and children. That’s not folklore but well established fact in the US and elsewhere.
There is going to be a rise in the number of cases like this due to the limit in access to abortion and birth control services. More and more women and girls are going to attempt self abortion. Making it harder for women and girls to get abortions won’t stop them from doing dangerous and risky things to get one. Even…
I know somebody who had, what I guess is the only correct term, a psychotic break when she was 8 months pregnant. She tried to then kill the baby by repeatedly punching her stomach and then throwing herself off some stairs. It had something to do with her not being able to take her meds while pregnant, and fortunately…
Fuck. That lady, not prison.