Best Pet Owners in Baseball

I must have made a convincing point, because you COMPLETELY changed the subject.

You haven’t conceded a single point, or responded to anyone in any way other than “Nope. You’re wrong.”
You’re right, though. *I’m* the stubborn one.

The low road to morality. I don’t care how we get there, so long as we get there.

It would be worth it just to watch old whites guys lose their shit, claim they’ll never watch another game, and then 6 days later realize their lives are so empty that they actually need football too much to not watch.

Only stalkingGoats feellings matter. You are wrong. Other people’s feelings aren’t as valid.


How is this any less of the strawman you’ve created to attack these guys?

And most people will say...fine...you’re on your own.

We eat our own. This is what we do:

I understand your point. In fact, I honeslty mostly agree with it.

How do the Cardinals get to claim ownership?