Yout support the rebel flag? That was like sooo 160 years ago. But hey, if you hurry maybe you can run the abolitionist blockade and get some badly needed salt pork rations and bandages to the besieged lads at Gettysburg.
Yout support the rebel flag? That was like sooo 160 years ago. But hey, if you hurry maybe you can run the abolitionist blockade and get some badly needed salt pork rations and bandages to the besieged lads at Gettysburg.
You should mail your high school diploma back with a brief apology. You don’t have the chops to exceed twenty words.
And the award for longest non sequitur rant goes to this dude!
American soldier here, and I’m sorry to say, but protests don’t come when they are convenient for the disaffected. They are spectacles intended to grab the attention of those not paying attention. And kneeling during the anthem?...come on. It’s a racist song designed to play on the self-serving, blind allegiances of…
I'm all for spelling, punctuation, and effective sentence structure.
This! My company used to send us on ride & drives all the time in the tire business. While fun you learned a lot about the product in back to back comparisons with tires in the company’s line and with competitors. It also afforded you the chance to check out product you wouldn’t normally be exposed to (off-road tires…
Any heaven with no bacon is hell in disguise.
“In Texas, you’re required to get the brain inspected before consumption”
This right here. The 0-100-0 stat is part of Shelby history. To not understand that when talking about the new GT500 and why Ford used it is to show a lack of that history.
0-100-0 is a better metric to use than 0-60 or even 1/4 mile. It is 2 (TWO) metrics in one!
“....that will surely end in a Warriors title.”
these hearings are pretty much professional wrestling, politicians bring out unpopular executives(boo hiss) make a bunch of grandstanding speeches to put on the campaign commercials and then proceed to do bugger all because they are firmly in the pockets of those companies. Its theater and nothing will ever be done by…
And what was the point of this hearing exactly? Just to satisfy curious politicians who are being paid by these companies? None of this information is new or going to change anything.
or when you're allowed to never lose the patent to make generics. such as the inhaler companies who keep being granted patent renewal so they can keep their prices high and eliminate competition. I have to pay 79$ with insurance to cover a rescue inhaler. absurd
Health Insurance and health care are in effect the same thing. If you don’t have the former you can’t have the later. Who cares if you have the best health care in the world if you can’t afford to access it.