
The reason schools are adjudicating rapes is that Title IX requires them to prevent sex discrimination, and violence is held to be discriminatory. On top of that, the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has taken an extremely activist approach to this issue, declaring hundreds of schools' to be

"Coercion" is an incredibly vague and subjective concept. It can be coercive for a man to take a woman to an expensive restaurant, thus making her feel she owes him something. It becomes hard to tell when seduction becomes manipulation and manipulation becomes coercion.

I don't know that it's true that most reported rapes that do not result in conviction actually happened. I think this is a huge flaw in activist logic on this subject. If we can't prove the reports are true, we don't know whether they are true or not.

See, people in your ideological bubble think this point is so decidedly in your favor that it shouldn't even be part of the conversation, but it's very relevant to lawyers, judges, policymakers and the general public (who will be your jurors).

How can you simultaneously assume an accused individual is innocent until proven guilty, and also assume that the accuser is telling the truth?

Here's the thing: If you've lied a lot, and now you insist you're telling the truth, how am I supposed to know if you were lying then, or if you're lying now?

You get into ridiculous territory real fast when you expand your definition of rape beyond sexual violence.

I don't know whether they're lying or not. If they can prove the abuse, they may be entitled to civil remedies or their abusers may be subject to punishment by the criminal justice system.

I'm not an MRA. I support prosecution of perpetrators of sexual violence. But I also support the idea of the rule of law, and I think this hideous Tumblr Marxist-feminism is antithetical to core concepts of justice as it's been defined by Western society for hundreds of years.

I don't even know what that means. What a lot of people's names the Internet view as "victim blaming," most judges view as either impeachment of a complaining witness or exculpatory evidence, as we have seen in the response to the Jian Ghomeshi verdict.

She worked with him for years after the alleged rape, entered into contracts with him after the alleged rape, and denied that anything bad had happened until her career began to hit the skids.

If rape culture is investigating and proving facts rather than simply "believing" a party who is politically favored, then I support rape culture.

He says he never had sex with her. She also testified in a sworn deposition that he didn't rape her.

He says he never had sex with her, and obtaining consent to sex via nonviolent coercion isn't rape, though quid-pro-quo sex demands are harassment/discrimination in an employer/employee relationship.

This case is interesting because it bring the values of the Internet into sharp contrast with the values of the legal system.

Is Lena Dunham's nudity a political statement, or is it comedy? When she appears in other contexts, she never looks as ugly as she does on the show, and her wardrobe seems to be expressly chosen to be as unflattering as possible.

That would mean Monarch is Jonas's son, and not Blue Morpho's. Possible, though.

Jonas Jr. was Rusty's twin brother that he absorbed in the womb, and he looked exactly like Jonas. So I don't see how Rusty and Monarch could be brothers, unless… Super science?

Basically, the one thing The Muppets have been missing all these years is explicit sexual intercourse between Miss Piggy and Josh Groban. Chelsea Handler trying to have intercourse with Scooter was also a nice bonus.

He's not mentally challenged. He's "low average."